yogurt cake

29 June 2016

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Yogurt cake with grapes. Grapes can be replaced with any berry or fruit. To your taste. This is the versatility of this cake. Create, experiment and share new recipes!

Cooking time 1 hour 20 minutes.


200 g flour

200 g sugar

300 g gelatin

450 g yogurt

1.5 cups lemon juice

1 cup cream

100 g grape juice (preferably light)

100 g white wine

300 g different grapes (to taste)

1/8 teaspoon salt

70 g nuts (we recommend walnuts or almonds according to your taste).


  1. Mix flour with sugar, salt and butter. Knead the dough well, roll into a ball, wrap in cling film and put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  2. Roll out the dough, put in a floured baking dish, prick in several places, put in a hot oven (about 200 degrees) and bake until done (about 15-20 minutes). Then take the cake out and cool.
  3. Dissolve gelatin in water. Mix yogurt with sugar and lemon juice, beat, add 200 grams of cream to it, mix well.
  4. Remove the remaining cream (50 grams) in the refrigerator.
  5. Put the cooled cake in a detachable form, set the side, put the cream on the cake and smooth it, refrigerate for 3.5 hours. If desired, you can add pieces of grapes to the cream.
  6. Rinse the grapes well, dry, cut into halves and peel. Mix grape juice with sugar and white wine, heat, dissolve 10 grams of gelatin in this mixture. Arrange the grapes on the frozen cream and pour over the glaze from the juice and wine.
  7. Put the cake back in the fridge until the frosting is set. Spread the rest of the cream around the edges of the finished cake and sprinkle with crushed walnut or almond kernels. torty-bez-vypekaniya-foto



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