Delicious loin in the oven

24 March 2017
Second courses and breakfasts , Meat dishes

The recipe for a delicious pork loin on the bone with stuffing in the oven.


  • 2 pieces of pork loin for 5-6 ribs
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 onions
  • 1 bunch of spinach
  • 1 bunch cilantro
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • 80 grams breadcrumbs
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon without top dried thyme
  • salt and ground pepper to taste


  1. Put the spinach in a bowl and pour boiling water over it for 10 seconds. Drain in a colander and chill. Squeeze the spinach with your hands and chop finely.
  2. Peel the onion and chop finely.
  3. Rinse and chop the parsley and cilantro.
  4. Rinse the pork loin very well and remove all bone fragments from it. Cut off the hanging pieces of meat with a knife so that the loin acquires a beautiful appearance.
  5. In order for the loin to be bent, it is necessary to cut the connective tissue between the vertebrae. Or you can just delete them.
  6. Next, you need to turn the loin with the ribs on the cutting board and the vertebrae away from you. Using a knife at a distance of 3 centimeters from the edge, make an incision to the ribs and then cut off the meat completely.
  7.  Now turn the pork loin ribs up and cut the meat between the ribs with a knife to expose the ends of the bone. If necessary, scrape the remaining meat from the ribs to make the dish look nice and neat.
  8. Then set the ribs aside and repeat the process with the other pork loin.
  9. The most interesting and crucial moment of the creation of the crown. It is necessary to fold two pieces of meat in the form of a crown, with the ribs outward so that there is pulp inside. Important: the meat should fit snugly together. If you notice that somewhere the meat overlaps, then cut it off so that the two parts of the loin fit snugly together. Otherwise, the dish will not work and will be ugly.
  10. Using twine, fasten the ribs on both sides of the dish. To do this, tie the thread from the bottom on the extreme rib and then wrap the twine cross-to-cross in a circular motion, touching all the extreme upper and lower ribs on both sides.
  11. At the end, tie a knot on the last edge.
  12. Scroll all the remaining pieces of pork into a meat grinder.
  13. Put spinach, parsley and cilantro, onion, eggs (beat in) and breadcrumbs in a bowl with minced meat. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add half thyme.
  14. Knead the minced meat well until a homogeneous mass.
  15. Pour a little salt, ground pepper and the rest of the thyme into the mortar, knead everything with a pestle and mix.
  16. Grate our crown from the outside with the resulting mixture.
  17. Then put the crown in a form with high edges or in a deep baking sheet, greased with vegetable oil.
  18. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  19. Spoon the filling inside the crown. If there is too much of it, then put the rest on a baking sheet around.
  20. Put the baking sheet with the dish in the oven for 10 minutes at 200 degrees. Then reduce the temperature to 160-170 degrees and cook until tender for about 3 hours.
  21. Every half hour we take the baking sheet out of the oven and pour the juice formed on the baking sheet over the dish so that the finished meat is not dry.
  22. After 2.5 hours, we begin to check the meat for readiness. Pierce the meat with a knife and see what kind of juice. If transparent, then the meat is ready.
  23. Put the finished dish on a tray or a flat large plate and let it brew for 15-20 minutes.
  24. Serve with herbs or vegetable salads.
  25. Bon appetit!

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