Boiled egg decorations

22 December 2016
Salads, appetizers

Soon the new year and I want to decorate the salads, and indeed the table with something interesting. In this article, I have collected interesting ideas for decorating boiled eggs.

  • Cockerel from boiled eggs.

  • Snowmen from boiled eggs.

  • Pigs.

  • Bunnies on a picnic.

  • Mice.

  • Fly agaric from boiled eggs and tomato.

  • Funny cows.

  • Egg baskets with caviar.

  • Spiders made from boiled eggs and black olives.

  • Owls.

  • Boiled eggs with decorations.

  • Penguins from eggs and olives.

  • Bunny on salad.

  • Ships with red caviar.

  • Mugs with beer.

  • Swans.

  • Snake.

  • Children's set.

  • Turtles.

  • White mushrooms. Hats are soaked in tea leaves.

  • Chicks.

  • Chickens.

  • Strollers.

Cups with coffee.


Egg cat.


As interesting ideas are found, the article will be updated. Come in!

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