Cardio Twister Slim

5 December 2016

The stepper trainer Cardio Twister is one of the unique inventions for fighting extra pounds. Thanks to this simulator, you will be able to independently form and strengthen your muscles, always maintain muscle tone.


Feel free to use the latest in science, which is the unique Cardio Twister.  Thanks to this simulator, your waist will acquire perfectly beautiful outlines, and your shape will be appreciated by all those around you on the beach! trainer Cardio Twister is your way to health and youth, to a slim and beautiful figure.

The fight against excess weight is now popular, because many of us now lead a sedentary lifestyle, which is why fat folds are created on the body, excess weight appears, etc. Our body lacks sports and strength exercises, which, as a rule, take a lot of time and money to go to a fitness club.


Cardio Twister will help get rid of all the shortcomings of your body.  You no longer have to do several exercises in order to engage all the muscles of the body, the Cardio Slim simulator comprehensively affects almost the entire body without leaving important areas.

Strengthen the body, make a flat stomach, lose weight and burn extra calories with the help of the Cardio Twister simulator. You will notice its effectiveness after a few minutes of training, your body will instantly tone up. Cardio Twister CardioTwister has 7 levels of load, so you can gradually increase it, thereby increasing the effect on the muscles.

It is  suitable for both women and men, it is easy to use and easy to assemble/disassemble. While you are exercising, you can watch TV in parallel or listen to music, you should not bother yourself with such moments as the time of the lesson or the number of repetitions. The Twister simulator has a microcomputer that can count: steps, exercise time, calories burned, number of repetitions.

Features Cardio Slim Twister

  1. - 7 difficulty levels
  2. - Has anti-slip pedals and soft comfortable handles
  3. - Takes up little space in the house
  4. - Effectively burns fat and corrects the figure


Unlike analogues, the Slim Twister Cardio trainer is made of high-strength stainless steel, thanks to which it can withstand weights up to 110 kg. Its versatility is emphasized by the fact that it has a complex effect on the body, while forcing all muscles to work.

Regular training on the simulator increases endurance and improves body coordination. It is enough to devote only 20-30 minutes a day and the results will not be long in coming, after a couple of weeks you will feel a significant surge of strength, pressure will normalize and your body will always feel great.

And to make the training even more effective and useful, in the kit you will find a DVD with an exercise program from professionals.

The price of Cardio Slim makes it affordable for people even with a small income. To buy yourself a healthy and beautiful body for such money is very profitable. You can buy cheap Cardio Twister HERE!

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