Bean soup with rice

7 September 2016
First courses , Lenten dishes

Previous article:


  • 2 cans canned beans in tomato sauce
  • 3-4 potatoes
  • 1 bulb
  • 1 carrot
  • 4 pieces tomato in own juice
  • 0.5 cup rice
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • dried celery and basil
  • fresh parsley and dill
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. Boil rice separately in salted water until cooked and put in a bowl.
  2. Peel potatoes and cut into strips.
  3. Peel the onion and chop finely. Fry in vegetable oil, add flour and fry a little more.
  4. Peel and grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
  5. Mash the tomatoes. If there is no tomato in its own juice, you can take fresh ones, peel them and fry them in a pan with vegetable oil.
  6. It is better to take red and white beans.
  7. Put all the ingredients in a saucepan, add dry herbs, salt and pepper, pour water and cook for 25 minutes over low heat.
  8. At the end of cooking, add fresh herbs (can be frozen).
  9. Before serving, add 1.5 tablespoons of cooked rice to each bowl.

onion with flour

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