Tips for parents of future first graders

22 August 2016

From the first of September, your children went to the first grade. This year will be the beginning of new knowledge at school lessons, acquaintance with classmates, teachers, class teacher.

The work of teachers and parents.

For a comfortable study of a child at school, the task of teachers is to create an atmosphere of positive emotions, with a desire to learn, coming to school. Lessons filled with meaning, useful communication among teachers and classmates - these components of the requirements of teachers-teachers must be understood and accepted by first-graders.

With parental involvement, love for school comes faster: a child's daily, genuine interest in learning encourages him to be more active in the classroom. Knowing that the scoring of school knowledge is not used in primary grades, change the form of questions. For example, instead of: “What grade did you get today?” - to "... What did you go through today at the lesson of mathematics, reading, physical education?".

First grade behavior.

Children may not always be able to clearly answer seemingly simple questions. Parents should restrain their excitement or grief, not show irritability and nervousness. Previously, the usual children's reaction in kindergarten, at home, now, when changing to school life, is different. Disoriented in the new conditions, he is confused: what will be “good” now, what will be “bad” sounds different to him. It is required not to miss, to help and support the child in this situation.

first grade

In many cases, mistakes are possible, studying at school is no exception. But the feeling of panic in front of them in a first-grader child should not take root. Who, if not parents, should explain why the fear of making a mistake is a bad adviser in studies, ruins the initiative, that when learning and learning new things, adults also make mistakes.

Basic rules for successful study.

In many families, the child in primary school is always the center of attention. Nevertheless, to listen to the advice of teachers in time means to anticipate mistakes and mistakes in time, to correctly find ways to solve school issues together with a first-grader child.


1 - Avoid comparing your first grader with others when he needs to be praised for good studies. This parental recognition of his individual abilities will not go unnoticed - he will try to be the best;

2 - Do not scold the child with offensive expressions, words of support and approval can always be found for the baby's studies;

3 - Do not hide parental attention, excitement, joy for school results behind a mask of severity. Whereas he will trust you with his dreams and desires to his closest friend;

4 - Learn to be an ally and senior assistant in solving school problems, and not take the position of an observer or an independent critic. Faith and conviction will invariably ensure success in school.

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Discussion: there is 1 comment
  1. Maria:

    Useful tips! And although two months of study have already passed, it is never too late to start building the right relationship with the child and the school.

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