Family Traditions for Raising Children

19 July 2016


The brightest and brightest memories from childhood are the days spent with relatives, filled with the most interesting events. It is impossible to overestimate the role of joyful family events in the upbringing of a child . Joint breakfasts, lunches and dinners, trips to the theater and cinema, trips to the center to celebrate the day of the city, outings into nature and much more is perceived by a small person as a bright miracle and lays the foundation for healthy mental development.

What events can be called family traditions? Why are they especially good for children and adults? All events that occur regularly can be attributed to the traditions of the family. For example, every weekend in the summer the family goes to the country house. Barbecues are held every spring and autumn. Every evening the whole family gathers at the table. Every birthday is celebrated in the family circle.


There are traditions not related to the time of day or year. They are not related to dates either. These traditions occur on certain occasions. For example, when the electricity in the house suddenly disappears, all the members of the family who are nearby stop what they are doing, sit around the candle and start playing.

There are many word games, shadow theater varieties, topics for interesting conversations. And, justified by the impossibility of doing anything, adults leave household chores, children forget about unfulfilled lessons, and sit down to spend time as they like.

3cd7a2c4db6b4dc696c7b92e17d514b4Family traditions include trips to the grandmother in the village for the summer, and the appearance of guests, and holidays. So much joy in the annual decoration of the Christmas tree! Family traditions influence children's behavior, their norms and values. They create an atmosphere of unity and travel from generation to generation. Moreover, they reinforce the value of the family in the mind of the child. Creating his family, he will rely on the norms of behavior that were in the house where he grew up.

Family traditions bring relatives closer, fill life with joy and warmth. Why not create new unique traditions in your own family? You can write paper letters to relatives and friends from other cities, collect something, fill out photo albums, collect a herbarium in the fall, and make birdhouses in the spring.


It's a lot of fun to cook something tasty together, arrange tournaments in chess and checkers, or other board games. There are countless options, you can endlessly search, invent and try.

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