Rules for tanning in the sun

11 August 2016

Absolutely everyone wants to sunbathe in the summer, because having been on vacation and having arrived in the city without a tan, you feel not rested, but in spite of everything, even a tan can provide some trouble, so you should also be careful with it.


If you want to sunbathe, then you should first find out if you can do it at all, because there are several types of people who are contraindicated in sunbathing:

  • people with very fair skin, white hair, which indicate a lack of melanin in the blood;
  • people with diseases of the skin, that is, those who have pronounced age spots or skin disorders;
  • small children under four years of age;
  • elderly people after sixty years;
  • pregnant women;
  • also people with individual ultraviolet intolerance;
  • patients with cancer, diabetes, etc.

This is not to say that this type of people is completely not recommended to be in the sun, but it is better to avoid direct exposure to the sun's rays on the skin for a long time.


Also, experts do not recommend resorting to tanning for those people who in the near past resorted to the services of cosmetologists, dermatologists and other doctors whose work is related to the skin. Because, for example, after depilation or injections, the skin becomes very tender and receptive, so that a direct hit of ultraviolet radiation will be harmful.

If all this is in order, then you should think about what and when to take with you to the beach. Of course, you can’t go to the beach empty-handed, so before that you should arm yourself with a certain list of things. A mat, towel, sunblock, sun glasses, headwear, anti-drying cream, and water are simply necessary and irreplaceable things on the beach.


The best time to go to the beach also matters, because the sun and the degree of its effect on the skin at different times has different indicators. That is why all doctors recommend sunbathing and splashing on the beach in the morning from eight to eleven o'clock, and also after four o'clock in the evening, because it is at this time that the sun's best activity will not bring much harm to the code and human health, and the tan will come out just great.

It is very easy to get a beautiful tan, but you will have to be patient and suffer a little so that at the end of the rest you will be completely satisfied with the color of your healthy and beautiful skin. Everything is very simple, so sunbathe to your health!

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