Nutrition for children up to a year. Healthy Recipes

30 June 2016

This article gives simple and healthy recipes for babies under one year old.

Fruit soup.

1262905It will be very useful in the summer, as it is served cold. This dish is made almost like compote. For cooking, fruits that the child loves, as well as dried fruits, are suitable. Fruits should be washed, peeled, seeds discarded. Put to boil, add enough sugar. The ideal filling for soup is liquid semolina and rice or flour dumplings. They are very easy to prepare.

Rice dumplings are prepared as follows. Cook the rice for 10 minutes, then the water is changed to hot milk, sugar is added. The porridge is cooked with the lid closed and over low heat. Pre-moisten the dish on which the mixture will be laid out with boiled water. Put the viscous mass on the dish evenly, 1–2 cm thick. Cool. Cut the finished dish into small pieces. Rice dumplings are ready!

Oatmeal Soup.

The basis. 2 hours before cooking, you need to take 40 g of oatmeal and pour 500 ml of cold water. Do not change the water, put it on to boil. When it boils, reduce to a low boil and simmer for 30 minutes. Pass the prepared mixture through a sieve.

The base is seasoned with boiled vegetables and milk and pairs perfectly with Brussels sprouts, baby peas and cauliflower. Mix the base with vegetables, salt and boil. If the child does not mind, a mixture of milk and egg yolk is added to the soup.

Oil should always be added to vegetable or cereal soup. Choose vegetable or creamy - at the discretion of the mother.

Fish soup.

Boil the fish, remove the bones, scroll in a meat grinder. Strain the fish broth and season with 10 g of cereal per 500 ml of broth with semolina or rice. Cut the potatoes into small pieces and after 20 minutes add to the broth. The fish is left aside, and the mixture is cooked until tender. Just before being ready to add the fish. Very tasty soup becomes with the addition of sour cream.

pravilnoe_pitanie_detej_do_godaIf the child does not want to eat meat, you can cook meatballs. This will require fish fillet or any meat. So, soak the bread, pass the selected product and bread through a meat grinder. Add salt and spices to taste, raw egg and cold water to the crushed mass. Having received a viscous mass, knead and send to cook until the meatballs float. Then the soup is ready.

For older children, you can offer puree soup. It is prepared from a variety of vegetables and herbs. Many different recipes for this dish can be found on the Internet, the main method of preparation is also described here.

It is important to remember that you should not store the soup for more than one day. The portion should be such that the child immediately ate everything.

This is how he prepares. Remove the seeds from the vegetables and cut the skin into small cubes. Put on low fire. It is impossible to salt this dish during cooking, and here's why: there is a high risk of oversalting the dish due to the small volume and the duration of cooking from salt increases.

Ready vegetables must be passed through a sieve. The output should be a soft mixture. Add butter and milk to it, boil. The soup is ready!

If the child eats meat, you can add it to the soup in a pureed form.

Milk soup with semolina is prepared for children older than a year.

The basis. You should cook liquid semolina porridge in the proportions of 1 tbsp. spoon for 0.75 liters. milk. At the discretion of the baby, you can make a mixture of milk and water. Salt and sugar to taste.

In the finished base, you can add vegetable puree, oil.

The older the child gets, the less the need to puree the vegetables. Older children can cook vegetables in small pieces.

Also soup - mashed chicken is suitable for big kids. This is how he prepares. Cooked meat is separated from the bones, passed through a meat grinder. If chicken is cooked, the skin and bones are added to the broth and boiled for 30 minutes. Strain the broth, leave no more than 200 ml. Then the meat must be put in the broth and brought to a boil.

Mix butter and flour in proportions 1:1. Add the mixture in small pieces to a common pan. The soup must be constantly stirred. After the soup boils, add hot milk 100 ml and salt. The consistency of the soup should resemble sour cream. Ready!

You can mix the raw yolk with a quarter cup of milk and pour into the boiling soup in a thin stream. Any other meat can be used instead of chicken.

Bon appetit!

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