Cookie and cottage cheese pie without baking

22 March 2017
Cottage cheese dishes , Desserts

Recipe for making a diet pie from cottage cheese and cookies with a banana without baking.


  • 0.5 kg curd mass or curds
  • 120 grams of granulated sugar
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 45-54 shortbread cookies
  • 1.5 grams vanilla (optional)
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 100 decorations
  • 2 bananas


  1. To prepare the cream: with a mixer, beat sour cream with sugar and vanilla until the sugar dissolves, so that a thick foam is obtained. To make the cream tasty, first you need to beat the sour cream and slowly add sugar. Sour cream is better to take low-fat.
  2. Mix the finished cream with the curd mass. There should be no lumps left in the filling, so it is better to mix everything with a mixer at low speed.
  3. To prepare the pie, it is better to immediately take the plate on which you will serve it.
  4. Pour the milk into a bowl and heat it up in the microwave until just warm. Dip each cookie in milk and spread on the first layer. Get 9 pieces.
  5. Spread the first layer with the prepared curd mass. If you really like bananas, then they can be added to each layer, after cutting into thin circles. And so they can only be laid out on top. At your discretion.
  6. Put the biscuits, cream, etc. again until the biscuits are gone. It turns out 5-6 rows. I like to have more cream, I put less cookies. But who loves.
  7. Top cake can be decorated with bananas, nuts, grated chocolate, coconut, and just what is at hand. Or you can crumble the remaining cookies and sprinkle it.
  8. Put the finished cake in the refrigerator to soak (preferably overnight). Bon appetit!

PS In the photo, we made a mini pie, all the ingredients in half and sprinkled with chocolate chips. Here is such a dietary dessert that can be quickly prepared from cottage cheese with cookies and bananas without baking.

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