Need to run in the morning to lose weight

10 October 2016

Many of us ask this question. Someone suddenly decided to strengthen the muscle relief, someone to remove the "beer" belly, and someone running will allow you to keep yourself in good shape. But most of those who went out for a morning run did not run again. The reasons are different, someone "died" after 500 m, another got a headache, legs, arms, etc. Why such results? Answer: Wrong technique. Here are some tips to get beginner runners on the right track!

jog in the mornings

1. Clothes.

When going out for a run, you should dress lighter than you go for a regular walk. You should be cool, starting to run you will warm up. Beginners can do without "special" clothes, but we recommend wearing synthetics. It is better to immediately buy “special” shoes, so you will protect yourself while running.

2. Warm up.

It is necessary to warm up, so you will save yourself from the most insidious injury during a run - muscle strain. Warm up should be done for at least 20 minutes and preferably in the fresh air. Pay special attention to the legs.

3. Nutrition.

IMPORTANT! When you don’t run on an empty stomach, you will only harm yourself, you won’t get any benefit and pleasure from running. But also, in no case do not fill your stomach full, the ideal option before a run is tea with sugar.

4. Running technique.

The most common mistake that beginner runners make is to start running fast from the start. And it is predictable that after 500 m a person is barely alive and his sides hurt. The most optimal run is when you can explain yourself with sentences while running, if you don’t succeed, slow down. Practice deep and even breathing.

5. How much, where and when to run.

The optimal time for running is 60 minutes + warm-up. I advise you to run according to this scheme: The first 5 minutes of walking, then 7 minutes we run at a semi-average pace and so on for the whole hour, such a program is suitable for the first weeks, then the load can be increased. As for the places where there are no special conditions to run - where you are comfortable, you run there. The best time to run is in the morning for me. Quiet, calm, fresh air. If you are overweight, then it is also convenient for you psychologically, because. In the morning there are very few people, cars.

Running in the morning is healthy and cool. I recommend it to everyone who has not run yet, because thanks to running, physical activity, we keep ourselves in good shape, which is very important in our time. Find motivation, time, strength - and go for a run, because the main thing is to start! Good luck in your endeavors!

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Discussion: 3 comments
  1. Running is really the best way to keep fit and lose weight) It is especially nice when there is a stadium near the house, where jogging will be pleasant and comfortable. And so you can start not even with running, but with walking, which is also very productive in the fresh air! And gradually increase the pace.

  2. Inna:

    I have never tried running outside in the morning.
    But you described everything very temptingly. And usually, when they show in some movie how a person runs, it is so beautiful and it seems that it is easy. I know it's not. I'm still only on the track and do not run, but walk at a fast pace. And yes, I'm losing weight too. Especially if I work out in the morning. But, I put a tick to myself - try to work out in the fresh air!

  3. Ksyusha:

    Running is my nightmare. Few workouts I dislike as much as running. But without it, you can’t go anywhere, you’ll fiddle a little and already unpleasant consequences can be observed at the waist. Therefore, there is no way out, you have to run. Perhaps it would be nicer outside, but not with this weather, so put the headphones in your ears and go to the treadmill.

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