Natural beauty products

5 July 2016

Probably, every woman at home has a lot of beautiful jars and bottles on her shelf. And what to do? Time, as they say, is merciless, but you want to preserve youth and beauty. In this case, do not forget about natural beauty products, which are inexpensive and are within walking distance.


iHoney is just a pantry of beauty. By its composition, it is a complex product that contains many simple and complex polysaccharides, organic acids and vitamins. Honey is useful for both internal and external use. It gives the skin smoothness and velvety, has a bactericidal and regenerating effect. Honey is great to use as a mask in its pure form or with other ingredients. But it is worth remembering that honey is a serious allergen, so before using it, make sure that you are not allergic to this product.


i(1)Olive, linseed, peach, almond and many other oils are a storehouse of useful properties. They contain a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids and trace elements. Many oils are useful internally (olive, linseed: improves digestion, skin condition, etc.), and absolutely everyone can be used for external use. For example, olive oil will perfectly cope with dryness and brittle hair, and sunflower oil will protect against cross-section, especially in winter. Grape, peach, or almond oils can hydrate dry, chapped skin, while wheat germ oil, for example, is great for oily, breakout-prone skin.

Do not deprive attention and essential oils. Essential oils are a concentrated mixture of volatile substances obtained from plants by pressing. Each such oil is unique and includes many active components in its composition. They are extremely useful, but only if used correctly. Since the concentration of oils can be different, they can be used in different ways. Especially concentrated oils (70-100%) are best diluted in organic solvents (base oil, milk, honey, etc.) before use, since their use in their pure form can lead to tissue burns.


1174It's no secret that kefir is a very useful fermented milk product. But it can not only be drunk, but also used to maintain the beauty of the skin, because it contains substances such as, for example, retinol, folic acid, vitamins B and PP. To obtain the desired result, it is enough to apply kefir on cleansed skin for 15 minutes.


ovsyanka-pechene-molokoThe health benefits of oatmeal are undeniable. This cereal perfectly fights peeling, redness and rashes. Oatmeal can be used as part of masks and as compresses on the face, and the use of oatmeal inside will significantly improve the effect.

Baking soda.

1445934050_baking-sodaBaking soda, as you know from the school chemistry course, is an alkali. Therefore, it perfectly neutralizes the pH of oily skin and fights inflammation. Dilute soda with a small amount of water and gently massage your face in circular motions. In this case, the soda will act as a scrub. However, if your skin is too dry or sensitive, this product may cause irritation, so use it with caution.

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