carrot diet

9 July 2016


Carrots are a storehouse of vitamins. It improves blood clotting, strengthens the immune system, improves skin color, vision, cleanses the body of toxins. Doctors recommend eating carrots for people with thyroid disorders. In addition to the general improvement of the body, carrots also contribute to weight loss.

Therefore, the carrot diet is quite popular. It must be followed for three days. She is quite tough, so you need to constantly control yourself. But we must remember that it is better for people with stomach diseases to refrain from such a diet, since carrots are rough food, and its abundance can cause negative consequences. People who can afford this diet should remember that carrots must be chewed thoroughly.

The carrot diet itself consists in eating a carrot salad four times a day, consisting of one grated carrot, lemon juice, a small amount of olive oil, honey and any fruit. If eating carrots for breakfast is hard, then you can drink a glass of kefir instead. In the evening, instead of a salad, you can drink freshly squeezed carrot juice. During the diet, you can lose up to two kilograms of weight. morkovnyj-sok1

To consolidate the result, you need the right way out of the diet. The day after it, it is worth adding some baked potatoes and boiled meat to the diet menu. And in a day you can return to your usual diet, without leaning on sweet and starchy foods. If there is an urgent need for sweets, then you can replace regular sweets with carrots. They can be made by grating carrots, adding honey, dried apricots and nuts to it. The resulting mixture must be rolled into balls and sprinkled with coconut flakes.

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