Fashion of the 40s

6 July 2016


Fashion of the 40s. Sounds a little wary. After all, it would seem that war and fashion are incompatible. But, nevertheless, fashion in the forties of the last century not only took place, but also has a great influence on the fashion of our time. Starting from a simple dress, ending with a hairstyle.

moda1When the Second World War began, all products manufactured for the home front, both by heavy and light industry, were transferred to the most severe economy mode. This was especially true for fabrics. Cotton, silk, leather were used for military needs, and therefore these fabrics became a great deficit.

But this did not mean at all that the fashion of the 40s did not exist, it simply began to have a more strict, wartime orientation. Minimalism was the main trend of that time. Women's outfits had no frills in the form of pleats, pleats and draperies. No other decorative elements were introduced. After all, this would require more fabric.


Sports style and military style were popular in those harsh years. Pencil skirts, shirt dresses, fitted jackets, double-breasted dresses that look like military tailcoats, berets, handkerchiefs, scarves ... And all this is sewn from khaki fabrics, as well as gray, blue and black fabrics. Light fabric inserts, white and colored collars and cuffs were used when dresses or suits were desired to give a festive look. Fabrics with polka dots, a cage, a small flower were also very rare and ... not for everyone.

The shoes were only leatherette, and the hats became smaller and smaller until they were completely gone. The main headdresses of that time were berets and caps. In cold weather, headscarves, shawls and scarves were put on.

Knitted knitted or woven from woolen threads things and accessories have become fashionable. Handbags, belts, patch pockets, small mesh hats - knitted, again, to match the suits and dresses, bright things were a rarity. Only wealthy people or people of creativity could afford them: actresses, for example.

Even wedding dresses were made short, fitted and with a minimum of details. Basically, the brides managed with ordinary suits of lighter colors than usual, and the men did with uniforms and military uniforms.


In today's fashion, the trends of the forties can be traced, which is successfully used and demonstrated both at fashion shows and in "street" fashion. Rita Hayworth-style outfits of the 40s are back in the theme: tight floor-length dresses, bright two-tone shirt dresses ... Princesses and duchesses wear military-style tailcoats and use nautical themes in their outfits. Movie stars - take a classic woolen coat "a la Marlene Dietrich", housewives - knitted dresses that were in the "theme" of Olivia de Havilland. Modern stars imitate the stars of the forties, adopting outfits and details, accessories and prints from them.

fashion_16And not only the stars of that time tried to look beautiful and fashionable. Many women thus supported men, showing and proving to them that a woman is always able to remain a woman, no matter what difficulties she faces.

Modern fashion, returning to the "heavy" 40s, proves this postulate in the best possible way. And how not to imitate, how not to admire these women from the last century! And although in Russia the revival of fashion as such began only in the late forties, this fact also speaks of the extraordinary resilience of women of that time. The women of Russia, more than women from other countries, had to go through grief and difficulties, but they also found the strength to remain feminine, sweet and ... fashionable.

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