17th century fashion

8 July 2016


Despite the fact that the 17th century was marked by a war that had a thirty-year history, this fact did not prevent people of that time from dressing well.

fileThe European fashion of the 17th century was characterized by its idealism. Women dressed in voluminous skirts and corsets, compressing the waist, so that the figure seemed even more elegant. The standards of beauty of that time and modernity were similar. A woman with a long neck, tall stature, perfect posture and long curls was considered beautiful. However, these standards were more typical for Europe, and the fashion in France still had some differences.

fashion02As for the fashion of France, a high waist, a shorter bodice was preferable in women's attire, the skirt was not as voluminous as the European one. It had neat folds, and the sleeve was shortened, but just as voluminous. Dresses for privileged secular ladies were sewn mainly from satin fabric or damage. The difference in social classes was noticeable even in the bindings in clothing. Ordinary women had the simplest mounts, while society ladies used jewelry mounts.

An important element at that time was considered a collar with a lapel, decorated with lace - it was an indispensable element of any dress.

473779_html_m4728c164Hairstyles according to the French fashion of the 17th century were of two types: the first is a straight parting with a braided braid, a kind of crown was formed from it on the head, while several lower strands were specially produced; the second hairstyle was with bangs, the hair was gathered in a tight bun and even then a chignon was used.

English fashion of that time had several directions. In the 16th century, Spanish tendencies prevailed in it, but by the middle of the 17th century the French direction became more and more noticeable, however, the flavor characteristic only of England was still preserved. In general, the fashion in England at that time was not stable and was changing rapidly, and basically Puritan trends were inherent in it.

Decorations of costumes, both men's and women's, differed more and more. English women wore 2 dresses, one was worn as underwear and had a lighter tone. The main difference between women's costumes in France and England is that the English women preferred more closed details, although not a single outfit could do without luxury.

a9147eThe dresses of the English women were the same as those of the French women, with the only difference that the sleeves were three-quarters, and the skirts were longer and slightly gathered down. When sewing, as a rule, satin was used, and a corset or lining gave the bodice the necessary and elegant forms. The entire dress was trimmed with lace.

It should be added the fact that since the manufacture of fabrics already took place in manufactories, it was possible to add golden or silver threads. The fabric, in the end, turned out with overflows and added solemnity to the outfit.

Naturally, the fashion of that time and today are very different. Although it is characterized by cyclicality and some trends are still borrowed, today's clothing is more adapted for an active and mobile life.

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