Massage with honey at home

15 September 2016

honey massageHoney is often used to treat colds or burns, but it can also be used to restore skin elasticity. Such restorative remedies include massage using honey. Rubbing honey into the skin began in ancient Tibet. It makes the skin soft, velvety and gives it a special fragrance. Honey also relieves rashes, redness and wrinkles. Honey significantly relieves the body of toxins, thereby restoring the overall tone of the body.

The use of this product during massage allows it to penetrate deep into the skin, where honey absorbs all harmful substances and toxins. Even ten to fifteen minutes of such a massage will lead to amazing results. Instead of honey, yellow flakes or pellets may form on the skin, which indicates the release of harmful substances from the body. A full course of such a massage is considered completed after one month, during which a massage with honey was done every two days.

honey with oils

For such an effective massage, it is necessary to use only fresh natural honey. An old, candied product will not benefit the body. Also, various oils can be added to honey, which will dilute its viscous aroma and heavy texture. You can use olive, lavender, citrus or eucalyptus oil. It is necessary to prepare the mixture immediately before the procedure, while the oils are first mixed, and then honey is added. You can not use honey for varicose veins or diseases with capillaries.

Honey is applied to washed hands, then it is transferred to the massaged part of the body. Massage is done with gentle movements, pats. Part of the honey should be rubbed into the skin, and part should remain on the hands for better glide. If all the honey is transferred to the skin, then the palms will begin to stick, and the massage procedure will become quite difficult and even unpleasant.

rubbing with honeyThen it is necessary to increase the pace of movements, rub honey into the skin more intensively, press and sharply tear off the hands from the massaged area. In this case, honey will penetrate deep into the skin, covering it from the outside with only a thin layer. After a while, a white mass will appear on the surface of the body. Massage should be carried out for no more than fifteen to twenty minutes, after which the skin should be washed with a soft washcloth and warm water. Then you need to lubricate the body with a nourishing cream or cosmetic oil.

At first, the honey massage procedure may seem rather unpleasant, sometimes even painful. But gradually the skin adapts to sudden movements and the penetration of honey into the pores, all unpleasant sensations will disappear, only a feeling of relaxation and enjoyment of the action of honey will appear.

Sometimes after an intense massage, bruises may remain on the skin, but they will disappear fairly quickly. Before the massage, it is necessary to check the reaction of the skin to honey on a small area. In case of redness, irritation or itching, it is better to refuse the procedure.

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