Pasta with canned beans

22 September 2016
Second courses and breakfasts , Lenten dishes



  • 200 grams of pasta
  • 1 can canned beans in tomato sauce
  • 1 bulb
  • 1 tablespoon ketchup
  • 2 pieces tomato
  • 1 garlic clove
  • dill or parsley
  • 0.5 teaspoon dried basil
  • vegetable oil
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. Boil macaroni with salt until tender.
  2. Peel the onion and garlic, finely chop and fry in vegetable oil in a pan until golden brown.
  3. Scald the tomatoes, remove the skin from them and cut into small pieces.
  4. Add to the pan with the fried onions and sauté a little.
  5. Open the beans and place in the pan.
  6. Finely chop the greens and add to the pan, mix everything, salt and pepper. If there is not enough tomato sauce in a jar of beans, then add ketchup to the dish.
  7. Put the pasta to the rest of the ingredients, mix everything well, leave to stew for a couple of minutes.
  8. Serve with vegetables.
  9. It can be used as a side dish for meat dishes, or as an independent lean dish.

fry the onion
stew tomatoes
add beans
add greens
lay out the pasta
pasta with beans

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