Beauty and health of nails

30 June 2016


For the beauty and health of nails we use red pepper!

All nails, even healthy ones, are affected by adverse environmental factors. They weaken, break, exfoliate. They need to be treated. There are many methods. Nowadays, stores provide products from many companies to eliminate this problem. Consider the example of folk treatment with red pepper.

The strengthening properties of red pepper help nails become strong, strong, so that they stop breaking and begin to grow vigorously. The fact that you do not need to worry about the fact that he bakes is a fact. As a means used in cosmetology, it is safe. It can be used at any age.

Pepper contains vitamin A, which helps to renew the cells and tissues of the nails. Nail growth is provided by vitamin B, also found in pepper. Many useful components included in red pepper have a positive effect on the health of the body and many other processes.

Red pepper, you need exactly hot, not sweet, copes with strengthening nails like no other remedy. Because it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that significantly improve their condition. Thanks to its properties, masks with its use have become very popular and are widely used among women.

But before applying the mask to the nails, it is worth checking how concentrated it turned out. If, when applying the mask to a separate area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, it will be very hot, you should quickly rinse with water. To dilute the mask, add a little cream.

One of the famous masks:

SDC15281We take 1 teaspoon of ground hot pepper, boiled water and add 1 teaspoon of cream with which you lubricate your hands. We apply the mass on the nails, put on plastic gloves, wrap each hand in heat, hold for 10 minutes and rinse with water.

You should not use such a mask more than once a month, although it is very effective. More gentle masks are obtained using pepper tincture. Some vegetable oils help to remove the hotness of peppers, and these oils are also used in masks.

There are also recipes for homemade nail masks with ingredients such as chamomile, honey, lemon juice, cottage cheese.

Such recipes for the beauty of nails are much more affordable than many effective cosmetics. It can be used for both preventive and therapeutic purposes. The main thing is not to be lazy and nails will always delight with their beauty and health!

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