A set of exercises for the buttocks and thighs

22 December 2016

Got cellulite? Have you lost your former shape of the hips and buttocks? Do not be upset! A simple and effective set of exercises for the buttocks and thighs at home will help you, which will take you 20-30 minutes.

Exercises will make your buttocks elastic and toned , beautiful and attractive. The “orange peel” will disappear (we are talking about the initial stage, otherwise you need to resort to anti-cellulite programs), the “folds” under the booty will disappear, as well as the so-called “ears” from the sides of the thighs. The hips, in turn, will take on the correct shape.

The main thing in this set of exercises for the buttocks is systematic, which means that the exercises need to be done every day (one day a week you can rest), and within a month you will definitely see the desired result, but you should not stop there, and then maintain the result so that the buttocks remained firm and beautiful.

So,  the set of exercises "Elastic buttocks and hips in a month" is divided into two stages.

The first stage of exercises for the hips and buttocks.

1. We kneel, arms bent at the elbows rest on the floor. The head looks forward.

In this position, we take the right leg up, bent at the knee, and lower it into place. We repeat raising the leg in this way for a start 20 times (if it’s hard, then according to well-being).

! Subsequently, the number of times in one approach of each exercise should be increased according to well-being.

Then we perform the abduction of the left leg up 20 times. (or by well-being as much as the right one)

Before starting the second exercise, you can stretch and relax for a few seconds: put your pelvis on your heels, stretch your arms forward, then move your pelvis to the left and right. Do this exercise between each set.

2. We return to the starting position (we kneel, arms bent at the elbows - on the floor). Now we raise the right leg bent at the knee 90 degrees not strictly up, but up - to the right, then lower it down. Move up and to the left and down again. We repeat this way 20 times in total.

Similarly, with the left foot 20 times.


3. We get into the starting position. We raise the bent right leg up, first lower it not to its original position, but crosswise behind the left leg. Raises again and now to the starting position. Do this 15 times.

Similarly, repeat with the left foot 15 times.

Stretch for a few seconds.

4. We are in a similar position. Now we raise the right bent leg strictly to the side, that is, to the right. And we put it in place. Repeat 15 times. If it is difficult to perform the exercise when the arms are bent at the elbows, straighten them.

Repeat 15 times for the left leg.

This stretches and strengthens the inner thigh muscles. For the same purpose, we will perform the fifth exercise for the hips and buttocks.

5. We lay down on the right side. The right arm, bent at the elbow, rests on the floor. The left hand is in front of you. We do swings with the left foot. We repeat 20 times. Change position and do 20 more times.

Similarly, raise the right leg on the left side.

6. We kneel again, but the arms are not bent at the elbows, but straight, resting on the floor. The head looks forward. We take the right leg back and perform swings with the leg up. We repeat 20 times.

Similarly, we swing up with the right foot.

7. The last exercise of the first part for elastic buttocks and thighs is the well-known squats. But! with one difference. Before sitting down, we squeeze the buttocks well. So we perform 2 approaches according to well-being. For the advanced, we do weighted squats.

The second stage of exercises for the buttocks and thighs.

The second stage of exercises for the buttocks is performed lying on your back, legs bent at the knees rest on the floor, arms lie along the body.

  1. Raise the pelvis as high as possible, without tearing off the shoulders and feet 30 times.
  2. Raise the pelvis as high as possible, without tearing off the shoulders and feet, while bringing the knees together 30 times.
  3. We raise the pelvis as high as possible, without tearing off the shoulders and feet 4 times and on the fifth bring the knees down when lifting - 10 times.
  4. We do the plank exercise. First you need to stand for 1 minute. Next on the strength. Try to increase your plank time by at least a few seconds each day. This exercise can strengthen many muscles (see picture).

Good luck with your training!

If you want to lose weight, start running in the morning !

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