Casual style in clothes

30 June 2016

Fashion trends and styles are not only bright, non-standard forms, materials, but also simplicity and elegance of clothes. Similar trends favor comfort and convenience. This style is based on the simplicity and elegance of forms, it includes elements of clothing from completely different styles and directions, and as a result, a casual style is obtained.

5Casual styleAt present, practicality, comfort, but at the same time elegance and beauty are very fashionable. Many fashionistas are thinning out their wardrobes and getting rid of the excess thoughtless heaps of things. Many people try to remove from the wardrobe individual single items that are an independent element and are not combined with other wardrobe items for basic items from fashion collections.

This vector aimed at convenience and comfort in clothing can be compared to a breath of fresh air. Now fashionistas and fashionistas do not need to rack their brains once again with thoughts about what to wear in order to dress beautifully and elegantly. One has only to remember how some time ago there was a fashion for the Baroque style, when everyone around tried to dress “richly”, without fail in a model from Dolce Gabbana.

Undoubtedly - this style is quite beautiful, but not always out of place. And exactly this style cannot be attributed to convenient and comfortable in terms of socks. So many have taken the new trend of comfort and simplicity with great interest, which has come in return for brilliant glamour.

However, sadly, such an approach to clothing can easily lead to monotony and you can simply dissolve in a crowd of people dressed the same way.

17df51bd49c9What do you need to wear to be comfortable, but at the same time stylish and beautiful? Unfortunately, many believe that simplicity and beauty are not compatible. Many consider comfort in clothes as some simple looks, for example, jeans, sneakers and a T-shirt. And beauty in their understanding is romantic or dramatic fashion trends. The simplicity and flatness of such thinking just leads to the fact that on the streets everyone is dressed the same, plain and simple.

A girl dressed simply in jeans and sneakers or jeans and a T-shirt and high heels cannot catch the eye in any way, they do not have some kind of zest. But even a nondescript and at first glance simple image can be made stylish and beautiful. First you need to choose the right color. Many people think that it is fashionable to just wear comfortable jeans and a bright top.

If you think that with such a combination you can solve both problems at once, namely, make your image comfortable and at the same time bright, then you are greatly mistaken, this is just a careless look. So you are likely to be considered hastily dressed for a run to the store for milk.

True casual style is not only comfort, it is the ability to match simple clothes with neutral colors and combine them with bright accessories.

Just a colossal positive aspect of this style is the ability to combine different wardrobe items with each other, and such clothes are simple, comfortable and do not contain various decorative elements and ornaments. The exception is the classic ornament - a cage, a strip, peas.

Simplicity and comfort are undoubtedly important, but life is multifaceted and you may need to look more formal. Remember, you can always transform a simple outfit into a more dressy look, to do this, just change your flat shoes for elegant heels, and your large bag for a miniature clutch.

As we can see, many casual looks are based on the use of jeans. You ask why so? The answer is obvious, it is jeans that have long secured the right to be considered comfortable and simple clothing. So when choosing a casual style, do not spare money and get high-quality jeans and you need to buy several of them, of different cuts, colors and textures.

Here is just a small excursion into such a multifaceted and interesting style as casual, but knowing the basics, you can quite cope with the correct selection of casual clothes.

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