Home cardio workouts

30 June 2016

iBefore anyone who has ever thought about losing weight, the question arose, what is better for weight loss diet or cardio training? These two approaches have their pros and cons. The main disadvantage of diets is that with severe dietary restrictions without physical activity, the body first destroys muscles, and only then takes on fat. In the long run, this will lead to a slowdown in metabolism and the return of lost kilograms to their original places.

Cardio training has no such side effect. On the contrary, losing weight through exercise allows you to create a more toned and attractive silhouette than simple dieting.

Lose Weight with CardioCardio training can be done not only in the gym, but also at home. A jump rope, a gymnastic hoop or a low bench will not take up much space and will allow you to conduct a full-fledged workout at home. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe home allows, then you can purchase the simplest exercise equipment for cardio training: stepper , treadmill or exercise bike.

The effectiveness of cardio training is provided by a prolonged load in a certain range of heartbeats. After all, the very name of cardio training comes from the Latin name for the heart - “cardio”. Each person has his own, the so-called "fat burning zone" of the pulse during exercise, calculated according to a formula that is not difficult to find on the Internet.

You need to start training with a duration of 30 minutes, gradually increasing the duration. But you should not get too carried away and train for more than an hour without a break. The frequency of training depends on your level and goals and can vary from three to seven times a week.

And yet, despite all the advantages, cardio training alone will not be able to provide any significant weight loss. It is best to combine training with proper nutrition, this will achieve significant and stable results.

The modern rhythm of life does not always allow you to devote an hour a day to training. In this situation, the best option would be to conduct high-intensity interval training (HIIT). HIIT is carried out according to the following scheme: 1 minute of the maximum possible load, after 2 minutes of the minimum. You need to alternate periods of intensity for 20 minutes, which will provide the same load as an hour of regular cardio training.

You can do cardio training at any time of the day that is most comfortable for the athlete. Cardio training can be done on the same day as strength training, but only after strength training, and not before. However, it is still better to spread strength and cardio workouts on different days.

To maximize the effect of training will help compliance with the daily routine and dietary rules.

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