Calorie calculator from Tatyana Popova

20 October 2016
Caloric content of products


This is a FREE program designed to count calories, as well as to track the composition of the diet for proteins, fats, carbohydrates.

Initially, the program was developed only for itself - the popular calculators and calorie counters existing on the Internet were either paid, or somehow did not suit me. So the idea was born to develop a completely user-friendly calorie calculator.

calorie calculator

The installer already contains a database of 600 products.

The Calorie Calculator has the following main features:

  1. calculation of calorie content, total weight of products, and content of proteins-fats-carbohydrates in the diet is carried out. The diet at the request of the user is divided into as many meals as needed and the results are summed up for each meal. If the user does not need to take into account proteins-fats-carbohydrates or sum up the results for each meal, then these options can be disabled.
  2.  full accessibility of the product database and the ability to "customize" for yourself - delete, edit, create groups and nested subgroups of products; Introduce new products, delete unnecessary ones. Organize your product catalog just the way you want it.
  3. in addition to standard portions of 100g, it is possible to add new portions (measures) for the product. For example - you put 1 tsp of sugar in coffee, add a new portion for sugar - 1 tsp - write down that it weighs 3g - and the program will automatically calculate how many calories, proteins-fats-carbohydrates are in this spoon, and then when compiling your diet, it will be enough to indicate that you added 1 tsp of sugar to a cup of coffee. This function opens up very cool possibilities - it is enough to weigh your "standard" portions 1 time and add them to the database - the program will do the rest for you.
  4. you can save rations, and also export to HTML to add the ration in the form of tablets to web pages.
  5. the function of calculating a complex dish has been implemented - when counting calories, many people have such a problem as how to calculate their favorite borscht and cutlets :). The program will do everything for you and save it in the product database. This is a function that I could not find in other programs in any way, or they were implemented incorrectly (for example, they considered the yield of a complex product as the sum of the raw ones laid down - and in fact frying often occurs, etc., the weight changes - the calorie content per 100g increases). Everything is provided in my calorie calculator.
  6. convenient product search
  7. the program has an illustrated help on how to use it.
  8. version 1.2 - added export to Excel
  9. version 1.2 - fixed bugs in calculating the percentage of BJU in the diet
  10. version 1.2.2 (May 14, 2010) - improved search, now the search is carried out in 3 modes: character-by-character, part of a word and list search, when a full list of products is displayed, in the name of which the search text occurs
  11. version 1.2.3 (June 23, 2010)
  • the qtintf70.dll library was excluded from the program (due to which some had problems installing the program)
  • Additional options for customizing the view of product catalogs:

- now the top level product group (if it does not contain included subgroups) can be moved to another one
- now the product subgroup can be moved to the top level

  • for those who have small monitors (15 inches) with a resolution of 800 * 600px, a special version of the calorie calculator for a small monitor resolution is available for download.

  12. version 1.2.5 (October 28)

  • now adding a product to the diet is done with a double click of the mouse
  • an active search appeared right on the main form of the program, the search is character-by-character, if you need to search further for the same word (or part of a word), then press Enter
  • search from the advanced search form can now be done by pressing Enter
  • errors were fixed when exporting a diet to Excel or Html, if the Total for all proteins-fats-carbohydrates was 0g.
  • now one version is suitable for the program to work under different monitor resolutions (greater than 800*600px)
  • to quickly view the saved diet / recipe, just click on it with the left mouse button (in the "Download" window)


1. If the program writes at startup “ The specified data provider was not found ”, then you must perform the following action START-> Run, copy the following command regsvr32 Msjetoledb40.dll and then click OK.
After that, check if the calculator has worked, if not, try restarting the computer and try again.

On our site you can download the calorie calculator for free

RAR archive

Download Calorie Calculator 1.2.6 RAR (1.9 MB)

ZIP archive

Download Calorie Calculator 1.2.6 ZIP (2 MB)

How to run a program under Linux (advice from Arinka_k_)

Calorie Calculator on Linux (I'm on ubuntu 11.04): Download and extract the Calculator, install wine (the easiest way is to search for "wine" in the App Center). Run the command in the terminal: winetricks mdac28 jet40 This will install the necessary components and the Calculator will start without errors (through wine, of course)!

Those who count calories according to Dr. Bormental's method - for some products, the calorie content will be different, since I took the calorie content from labels, books, etc. According to your signs, products usually “cost” less. Be careful and edit if you want.


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