How to restore and maintain health

29 June 2016

Health ... how people do not appreciate it while they have it. Often we ourselves prematurely dig our own grave, and then try to escape from the fate prepared for us. And each of us deep down understands how to maintain health, what lifestyle to lead, how to eat. But the bad habits that we do not want to change, since the majority lives by the same habits, we are not going to change ... for the time being.

And when the time comes to seriously think about your health, then people understand that it is really easy to have excellent health. The main thing is that bad habits that tend to send a person to the next world as soon as possible can be replaced with habits that lead to active, reasonable longevity. How to restore health?

8-sposobov-vosstanovit-zdorove-after-prazdnikov-1If you ask a sick person what led him to this or that disease, then his first reaction will be the answer - it's not my fault. And only having understood his lifestyle and nutrition, a person understands that everything that happens to him in life is the work of his own hands.

And even when a person realizes that he himself is to blame for everything, few dare to correct their mistakes. And the following recommendations are given for those who take responsibility for themselves, decide to be healthy, live in a sound mind and a strong body happily ever after.

Do not think that the state, wife, husband, children take care of our health. Often our closest people, even if not on purpose or from simple ignorance, greatly undermine their health and those around them. Only the person himself should deal with his body, spirit and intellectual development. Such a person has the right to be called a Man with a capital letter.

Let's start to figure out how to restore health.

img14Eliminate alcohol and tobacco from your diet. If you are not yet aware of how these drugs affect the body, then watch videos on the Internet devoted to these issues. Just do not waste time on paid videos of alcohol and tobacco companies that covertly advertise alcohol and tobacco. Although, everyone chooses what is closer to him.

Many people who are not ready to change anything in their lives refuse to watch such videos or study relevant literature. If you are one of those, then you are not ready to take steps towards your health. Alcohol and nicotine addiction is stronger than you. And a strong person is able to cope with any of his addictions, often replacing it with positive and positive addictions (sports, hobbies, the realization of an old dream).

i(6)Constantly consuming fried, salty food, a person greatly undermines his health. The roasting process releases carcinogens, substances that cause cancer. Salty food contributes to fluid retention in the body, which leads to obesity, hypertension and edema. By minimizing salt intake or eliminating salt from your diet, you can easily lose the right amount of weight.

True, it should be noted that there are very rare exceptions when people consume a lot of salty foods and have almost no negative aspects. But such people are the exceptions that prove the rule - salt is very harmful, and it is nothing more than a habit that you can get rid of. At first, eating unsalted food is quite difficult, but over time, a person begins to feel all the flavors of foods more vividly. A good point is the acidification of dishes with lemon juice, then the absence of salt is almost not felt.

Any animal fats - lard, butter, fatty dairy products, eggs contribute to the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. This leads to the formation of blood clots, and then to an early heart attack and stroke. There is no need to talk about sluggish potency after 40 years in men (alcohol and tobacco also contribute to this perfectly). Consume a wide variety of vegetable oils.

i(5)Sweets, to which children are so often accustomed, lead to diabetes mellitus at an older age. Doctors say that an epidemic of diabetes has begun. Sweet and fatty cakes and pastries should be replaced with fruits, dried fruits, desserts based on 1% dairy products. It is no less, and maybe even more delicious. In addition, after consuming healthy desserts, you don’t feel heaviness and don’t feel sleepy.

Vegetables, if possible, should be eaten raw in the form of a wide variety of salads, seasoning them with olive oil, sunflower oil, lemon juice and other natural spices and seasonings.

Red meat is better to replace with any fish and chicken. It is better to cook such dishes by baking in the oven and steaming.

White bread is best avoided altogether. Replace it not black, but even better whole grain.

Do not forget about natural antibiotics - raw onions and garlic, ginger, black radish.

i(4)Keep your teeth and mouth in perfect condition. Bacteria that enter and multiply in the mouth easily enter the circulatory system through holes in the teeth, which can even lead to death. Brush your teeth with natural toothpastes (yes, there are some, look it up on the Internet), and react less to toothpaste ads on TV that promise never-before-seen miracles.

Are you overweight - no comment. Know what to do.

Forget once and for all about diets, they cause irreparable harm to health and the immune system. Proper, balanced nutrition will sooner or later lead you to your optimal weight.

Yoga and breathing exercises work wonders - the spine straightens, excess weight disappears, flexibility develops, even chronic diseases disappear.

waterDrink 2 liters of pure non-carbonated water a day. You have no idea how much good you bring to your body!

Perhaps one of the most important points for good health is regular exercise. Even proper nutrition does not lead to full health without sports. Each person will like any kind of sport, just remember your childhood and teenage sports. Sport is 50% of health. In addition, during sports, hormones of joy and satisfaction are released.

i(3)A person who constantly plays his favorite sport is much more balanced, happy and physically beautiful. People who do not get hormones from sports are looking for a substitute for natural sources of joy in alcohol, drugs, smoking. And all because in this way they enjoy life, but for such addictions and retribution is very tough.

No matter how you eat, you should pay attention to natural vitamin complexes with minerals. With food, a person still does not receive very often the entire full-fledged composition. But just do not consume pharmacy cheap vitamins, which consist of chemistry and often differ in size, and what can we say about the internal content in this case. Now there are many vitamin and mineral supplements of natural origin. Buy from trusted companies that meet international quality standards. Yes, they are more expensive, but you can trust what is written on their packaging.

Probably, many of this article found little new for themselves. But having knowledge does not mean applying it. Only those who apply this knowledge in their own practice have perfect health. And then, you need to start using them from a young age, and not when you have already been diagnosed with cancer. Everything is in your hands, you yourself know it.

Good health and longevity!

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