How to raise a child without screaming and punishment

2 August 2016


We sometimes laugh when we talk about the fact that parents punish someone with a belt, but in fact this is a rather problematic topic that requires rethinking.


The principle of punishment for disobedience originates from ancient times, almost Australopithecus, and the whole point here is that such an aggressive attitude towards non-fulfillment of our requirements is just anger due to the work of our nervous system. It's just that over time, people have become more delicate, more tolerant and tolerant towards each other and their children. However, nevertheless, in our society, in some families, the principle of carrots and sticks, in most cases just a stick, continues to exist.

You know, my friend was once put with her bare knees on spilled buckwheat for bad grades at school. Do you have any idea what it is? What is this pain and resentment? I then, as a child, could not imagine that my parents could do this to me. The maximum of my punishment was light slaps and standing in the corner, but not standing on buckwheat. And so we grew up and what do you think that she forgot about that punishment? No. She remembers and I'm sure that these painful memories hurt her.

It is incomprehensible to the mind how cruel people can be, even towards their children. My parents never punished me for bad grades in school. They talked to me, I was ashamed, and I tried to improve. And what do you think? I graduated from high school with honors, the same story with the university, and I don’t remember someone chasing me in the neck and punishing me for misconduct in my studies.

Of course, not all children are diligent, but if you are cruel to them, then sooner or later they will repay you the same. And don't think you're in control.

Under no circumstances should you engage in handshaking. You must understand one truth: a child is not an adult, for him your blow is not only painful sensations, it is also mental anguish that can leave an imprint on his psyche and cause the further formation of a bad character and various kinds of complexes.


If you want to teach your little lazybones a lesson, then just choose the right words. No need to hurt the child, it's a part of you. It is better to educate him, and not to beat him, there will be more sense. And look, someday, you will be proud of your child and your relationship with him. You will not be ashamed of the fact that you punished him with "pain" for nothing.

On the same subject
Discussion: 2 comments
  1. Ludmila:

    Indeed, these difficult moments in life remain forever - physical punishment in childhood. This is impossible to forget, pops up in memory at certain moments. That's the way the human psyche works. Physical punishment can have a consequence - disrespect for one of the parents, a sharp change in behavior, disagreement, protest. There can be severe consequences.

  2. The topic is, of course, very complex. However, I may seem like some kind of sadist to you, you have to look at history - in most cases, many famous people, and even great people, admitted that they were subjected to physical punishment in childhood. Violence in principle is not the best way to solve problems. But, alas, the association of bad behavior with pain works better than any words.

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