How to become a leader

29 June 2016

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There is a difference between a manager and a leader that is noticeable to the naked eye. The leader is an official position, implying responsibility for the organization of work and its result.

The leader position is unofficial, but leading, able to manage a group that readily lends itself to such management - follows the leader. These two words rarely characterize the same person, but, ideally, it should be so.

If you are a leader, not a leader, you should not get upset ahead of time and go out of your way to become one. Psychologists prove that it is not necessary to be a leader, it is enough to be like a leader, that is, to have his qualities.

So what are the main leadership qualities? Let's start with the so-called charisma. That is, the ability to influence others. Some still believe that quality is innate, which is refuted by the mass of competent literature that helps develop charisma, make people pay attention to you and listen to you. Along with this, you need to be moderately sociable - but not talkative - and friendly.

mq7Next is confidence. The leader is simply obliged to radiate confidence in himself and his actions. Then everyone else will be sure of them. Let's not forget about balance and restraint. Endurance, even in the most emotionally difficult situation, is undoubtedly a leadership quality. It is unlikely that someone will reach out to a hysterical, eccentric person.

The leader is also distinguished by entrepreneurship, the ability to solve problems creatively and the ability to take reasonable - not adventurous! - risks. The leader must not succumb to the pressure of circumstances or superiors, but make decisions independently, be persistent in achieving goals, and not turn off halfway. And, importantly, to be responsible for their actions, to keep promises. He should become an example, because this is how the group positions him, and not make indulgences for himself.

At first glance, it is quite difficult to constantly monitor yourself, develop all these qualities. In fact, you should not immediately jump above your head, you need to come to becoming a leader. By training yourself on all counts, you will gain a lot of useful experience and acquire a lot of useful habits that will save your career more than once in the future. After all, as you know, first we work for authority, and then authority works for us. Be persistent in your desire to become a leader, do it with pleasure and then success is certainly guaranteed to you.

Watch the video about 21 qualities of a leader.

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