How to keep young

5 July 2016

Every organism grows and changes. At the beginning of life, everyone is given strength and beauty, which must be maintained. Therefore, it is so important to take care of yourself from a young age. Unfortunately, every year the body changes and becomes weaker. This is an irreversible process that can be slowed down by applying various methods to slow down the aging of the body.

To stay young and beautiful, you need to constantly keep your body in good shape.

Mental activity.

As a woman ages, her thought process may change. Therefore, it is so important to keep mental activity in the active phase constantly. Read books, solve crossword puzzles, learn something new and interesting for yourself. It's never too late to learn. Now various free courses are being created, even for pensioners. Thanks to the constant work of the brain, it is possible to avoid further sclerosis, the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

Modern women are offered a lot of programs and ways to maintain mental activity and beauty. It is also important to study your body in detail and consult with doctors who will tell you how to maintain your health.


In addition to the advice of doctors, you can eat food that contains antioxidants, which are very important for maintaining the health and beauty of a woman at any age.

Antioxidants can be found in almonds, leafy greens such as parsley, dill, blueberries and oily fish.

By eating these products, you can saturate the body with an antioxidant, which is rather difficult to accumulate in the body. Before using the above products, it is advisable to consult a nutritionist who will choose the most appropriate menu option for you individually.

Skin health.

Each person comes to an age that can carry both internal and external changes. After all, the body wears out and gradually fades, so wrinkles and age spots appear.

In order to delay the aging process, you can drink green tea every day. And also use vitamins E and C, which have a positive effect on the skin.

Healthy food.

In order for the body to receive all the minerals and trace elements, girls and women are advised to give up harmful flour products, semi-finished products, smoking, various drinks with dyes, alcohol, as well as fast food, which is the main enemy of a slender and healthy body.

It is advisable to replace these products with healthy vegetables, fruits, fresh juices, as well as a variety of cereals, meat and dairy products.

Also, for health, girls and women need to take additional vitamins that your doctor can prescribe after examining all the tests and deciding which vitamins are missing for you.


In addition to a healthy diet, it is very important to keep the body in good shape. To do this, you can perform simple exercises or sign up for a gym for enhanced workouts. The best time to run is in the morning. Get outdoors more, walk, try to walk 3 km a day.

Well, the most important thing is a good mood))). And to cheer up, watch this positive video !


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