How to potty train a child

28 August 2016

Every young mother at a certain time thinks about this subject. Children's potty. The question immediately arises - at what age should a child master this? Nobody can tell you for sure.

It so happened that going out into the yard, to the playground with her child, a mother hears from other mothers at what age their children made friends with the potty. And it immediately flashes in my head that your child was late ... And again we begin to worry, find out from my husband, parents at what time each of us began to use the potty himself. What if you go back?

Let us remember that experiences already came to us as soon as the child was born. These worries came to us at a certain period of the baby's life. When will he start holding his head? So when will the first tooth appear? When will he get up, sit down, crawl? And every time we calm ourselves down.

Once a child is born, the process of urination and defecation is not controlled by him. And at this moment the process itself is subject only to the reflex. Our task is to subordinate it to the will of the baby, to make the reflex unconditional. And for everything to be successful, there are three points:

1. The development of organs that take part in urination and defecation.

2. Development of the nervous system, cerebral cortex.

3. Our activity is pedagogical activity.

All these points are closely related. The earlier we start, the less time we need for this. Success in this matter will be if the child is well physiologically developed. Yes, many active and patient parents have reached the finish line by the age of 1. But they are overtaken by failures, when suddenly their obedient child begins to openly fight and leave traces. And again, groan, groan ...

Until the age of 1.5 years, your successes will be temporary, and wet tracks will be common. Some parents get nervous, forced to sit down, punished for wet tricks. Thus, further aggravating the situation. After all this, the child will not want to see and hear about the pot for a long time. If this happened, it is better to postpone this topic, forget, hide the pot.

Time will pass, parents will calm down, the child himself will calm down. A more or less stable mode of urination and defecation will appear. Diapers will stay dry for 1.5 - 2 hours. Then the child will himself demonstrate that he has just peed; he will develop the ability to undress on his own, go to the toilet for a potty.

And believe me, the very day will come when your child will show - will tell about his intention to go to the potty. Of course, the parents of sons are more fortunate, as boys often show their desires associated with the toilet. The main thing is to be patient and you will succeed!

And finally, poems about the pot))).

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On the same subject
Discussion: 3 comments
  1. Patience has appeared, there are already successes: a 1.8-year-old daughter, at the word for a potty, comes up to him and waits. The truth itself is not doing this yet, waiting for words or for being brought to the pot. Everything you say in your article is correct! But we believe that soon the daughter will succeed with this!

  2. Sergey:

    A useful article, I remember my wife and I started potty training as soon as my daughter started walking (naive)), as a result, it’s already a year and a half, and she’s not even walking approximately yet), patience is needed here, a lot of patience))

  3. But I will write that in my case, no potty training was required for the child. My grandson is now a year and two months old, but he strictly knows. what a pot is and willingly walks on it. I will not hide, sometimes there are mistakes and he does it in his pants, but this is mostly not his fault, but adults, you need to respond in time.

    So, now they produce beautiful pots, in the form of toys. not what it was in my time ... an enameled iron mug with a handle 🙂 The grandson immediately saw going to the potty as a game. There were no tears or nerves at all.

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