How to choose the right swimsuit for your figure

24 July 2016

Many girls, having a far from standard figure, especially if they already have children, are terrified of the arrival of the beach season. Of course, the best way to get rid of such fears is to buy a beach suit that will hide the flaws and show the virtues.

You should not buy fashionable swimwear if, wearing one and looking in the mirror, there is no feeling of sexuality and satisfaction. In order to choose the right piece of clothing, you should look at your mirror in full length.

It is also worth determining the type of figure, this will help in choosing. It is also important to know your skin color, because a silver swimsuit may not look at all on pale skin.

There are four types of figures: hourglass, pear, apple and triangle. In principle, these types of figures do not need any special explanations, it is better to determine what type of figure there is a predisposition to, by presenting the above figures and fruits in relation to the figure. If there is no confidence in the eyes, it is better to measure all the parameters.


It is also worth trying on several styles and colors in order to understand exactly what is still required.

Also, regardless of the type of figure, women can be both with miniature breasts and with a magnificent bust. Since the predominant number of swimsuits was created for girls with small breasts. The choice is much heavier, because you always want to look like the lady in the picture.

So what about women with a curvaceous physique and large breasts? First, you should pay attention to swimwear made of slimming materials, in such swimsuits, there are usually inserts with which you can adjust problem areas.


Owners of chic busts should take swimsuits with soft cups, but always with underwire, just as, alas, you should take only solid bathing suits, and they must be plain, and best of all, if they are not loaded with unnecessary details.

Also, plump women should refuse bikini swimsuits, or bathing suits with geometric patterns or large floral prints, as well as horizontal stripes and small flowers. Again, it is important that the swimsuit is sized.

But for girls with miniature breasts, you should opt for swimsuits with tight cups on a bra, and it’s also better if there are decorative elements such as frills, ruffles or flounces. Also, if you have a good figure, you can afford models of swimsuits without straps.


Also, small breasts are best visually enlarged with the help of white. But the bottom of the bathing suit is best to choose a dark color.

In any case, when choosing a bathing suit, you should examine yourself from all sides, note all the pluses, and if you find minor minuses, try to hide it with accessories, or try another model.

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