How to raise self-esteem

30 June 2016

Do you feel embarrassed when you are praised, strive for the attention of others, due to its lack, do you allow people to say anything in your direction? Your diagnosis: low self-esteem. Let's look at the various options for raising self-esteem. But to complete the picture, we need a portrait of a person with low self-esteem.

mqdefaultPeople with low self-esteem are immediately visible in the crowd. Most often these are people with lowered eyes, shifty eyes. By the way, scoliosis is most common among people with low self-esteem. Insecure people walk quickly, in dashes, or they are distinguished by a stalking gait.

Constant delays are a clear sign that a person is unassembled, has low self-esteem. Such people are often afraid to say something inappropriately, to voice their own opinion. These people constantly blame and criticize themselves. It was a brief side view. Now let's get back to our situation.

Ways to raise self-esteem.

Oddly enough, but the first step to normal self-esteem will be your walk, or rather posture. Train yourself to walk straight and proud. In the street, at home, at work, anywhere, develop the habit of walking and sitting upright. At first it will not be easy, but the result will not keep you waiting.

book-on-goloveThere is one simple exercise for raising self-esteem. Go to the wall, stand with your back so that the back of your head, buttocks and shoulder blades are in contact with it. Put a book on your head and stand for a minute in such a position that the body has time to fix the correct position.

Repeat this exercise several times a day. After a few weeks of hard training, you will notice a significant change in relationships with others, your person will be treated in a completely different way.

The second way to boost self-esteem is to stick a smile on your face. This may seem crazy, but let's first take a look at everything "on the shelves." If you constantly smile, your mood rises and this is a fact. Consequently, you look at the conflict, at least with irony, and your self-esteem is growing at this time.

The third way to raise self-esteem is to analyze the environment. As a rule, friends are brought together by interests, views on life or tastes. But try to analyze the friendship from your side. You are most likely under pressure. Perhaps you are criticized too often, or your opinion is imposed on you. Note that a strong person does not need advice.

He has his own clear position and follows it. Why haven't you adopted the experience of strong and self-confident people yet?

vosstan-rech-insult-3A speech therapist will help you increase your self-esteem. After all, everyone knows that a loud voice and clear diction is the key to success. Take lessons and do not spare money for it. Constantly repeat tongue twisters, work on your speech and success will not keep you waiting.

And finally, one more exercise. Take paper with a pen and write down 200 points for which you can praise yourself. It's complicated. You can write not only about qualities, but also about what you have: legs, arms, head, eyes, shoes, house, job, car, friends... and so on...

After analyzing all these tips, you yourself will understand which ones are worth adopting. In any case, your desire to engage in your own self-esteem already deserves respect, although this is not enough. Here you need to work on yourself, then the result will follow. Good luck to you!

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