How to survive chickenpox

1 December 2016

Chickenpox is very easy to catch, most children attending kindergarten get sick with it. The chickenpox vaccine appeared back in 2008, but few people know about it, much less give it to their children.


Chickenpox mostly affects children under 12 years of age. Until this age, the disease in most cases proceeds easily. As a rule, the sooner a child gets sick, the easier it is to tolerate.

Adults get sick much harder than children. A friend of mine got chicken pox at 30 from her son. It's not very pleasant for an adult to go to the speck))). Yes, and it was very difficult to endure it. That is why it is worth getting chickenpox at an early age, without avoiding visits to kindergarten or school after the quarantine notice.

This virus infects human skin, after infection, red spots form on it. Then bubbles with a clear liquid appear at the site of the stain. After two days, the contents of the wound become cloudy and it begins to dry out. It takes about a week, when the crusts finally fall off, leaving no traces.


In addition to the rash, there is also poor health, lack of appetite, weakness, and fever. Bubbles on the body are formed within 2-5 days. Bubbles should not be combed, this can lead to scarring.

It is necessary to take a bath daily and treat the bubbles with brilliant green. Bathing is necessary to prevent the development of infection. In addition, it helps to relieve itching, most importantly, do not use any detergents and washcloths.

It is worth noting that brilliant green does not give any therapeutic effect, and the point is only to calculate the period when the baby ceases to be contagious. If there is nothing to smear, that is, there are no new bubbles, after 5 days the child ceases to be contagious.

It should be remembered that with high fever and chickenpox, the child should not take aspirin. This can be bad for the liver. It is better to put a candle cefekon or eferalgan. These candles are produced for different ages of the child. If the baby scratches the wounds strongly, doctors usually prescribe sedatives. Distract the child, occupy him with various games.

The more he scratches the skin, the higher the risk of introducing bacteria, as well as the fact that traces will remain on the skin. Cut your baby's nails in time, bathe daily, change bedding regularly. After the bath, the body should be wetted without rubbing it.

Ventilate the nursery and do not wrap the child, the higher the temperature, the more itchy.

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