How to stop yelling at a child

6 July 2016


We are all human and we have emotions. Shouts, whims, refusals, pampering - all this can easily lead to nervous tension, therefore, lead the mother to cry. Letting off steam, mom begins to regret what she did and blame herself. So what causes a breakdown, and can it be dealt with?

To start a fight with emotions, you need to understand what causes them, to analyze the factors due to which this happens. One such reason could be fatigue. Caring for a child, household chores, interrupted sleep, irregular diet - these are the factors that cause fatigue, followed by an emotional breakdown that a child falls under. Do not be afraid to ask for help, get more rest and watch your daily routine.


Also, one of the reasons for disruptions may be the removal of their interests to the last place. This happens very often and over time, the mother begins to be oppressed by what is happening, so try not to limit your life circle only to the child. Walk, chat, have fun. Don't be afraid to give yourself attention for at least 10 minutes a day.

Trying to keep your emotions inside is also not an option, because sooner or later you will just “explode”. Find another way to express your emotions. For example, a relaxing bath or a personal diary.

Problems due to self-doubt as a parent can also cause stress and yelling. Low self-esteem, conflicts within, drowning out resentment very often lead to screams. You need to limit yourself from thoughts like “I must be a terrible mother” and understand that you are the best for your child.

Do not forget about medications that can help you become calmer, for example, vitamins, sedatives of natural origin.

Experienced psychologists advise not to start a conversation or educational moments if you feel very tired or irritated, as this can lead to a bad result that will be harmful not only to the child, but also to you.

Feel free to talk to your child about your condition in a gentle, non-offensive way. For example, "Your behavior is starting to piss me off" or "I'm very tired, if you give me a couple of minutes to rest, I'll come to you later."

Do not be afraid to talk about your condition and your emotions with loved ones. You will not only speak out, thereby throwing out emotions, but also get advice or enlist support.

If you are about to reach angry irritation, then there are several ways to calm down:

• Don't stand in one place, go to another room.

• If possible, eat candy or cookies.

• Take a shower.

• Try to sing your annoyance, it will not only amuse the child. But it will also calm you down. For example, "Lalalya, I'm about to explode, lalalya must go."

• Come up with a funny word to use instead of swearing, and say it whenever you're angry.

And most importantly, you or the child are always to blame, apologize to him for your breakdown, then your authority will not suffer, but only strengthen, and the word “love” will erase all negative emotions and remaining grievances.1458933067_d8tzcqdmyeg

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