How to learn to enjoy life?

3 July 2016

Sometimes the feeling of joy fades, giving little time to enjoy yourself. But so much I want it not only to remain, but also to reach a feeling of euphoria. So that the world around you is full of bright colors, and positive emotions do not know the edge, look for optimism around you. Sometimes he hides in the most banal and mundane things.

Go to the desired goals and achieve them with overwork. On the way there may be stones, stumbling over which you should not give up. After all, there is nothing more pleasant than the feeling of victory. Victory will bring you joy that you will enjoy.

55bfmheAve0Allow yourself to become a child for a while. An adult restrains children's desires, which is very wrong. Childhood is a time when there are no worries, when a person receives joy from any little thing. Forget about pressing problems and take a break from everyday life. This does not mean that you need to pretend to be a child and do whatever you want. Let go of your fears and follow your desires.

iFall in love. A man in love is in a great mood. Do not be afraid to give your love, because it will return to you with bestowal, thereby increasing the joy and pleasure of life.

Give yourself gifts not only planned, but also those that your soul desires. If you want to paint the walls of the apartment in bright colors, then do so, neglecting fashion and style. Do not drive yourself into a framework, you do not need to live by stereotypes.

Help people find their happiness. Do good selflessly. Do not lose the opportunity to help someone or be useful in something. Feeling needed, that someone needs you, increases the feeling of euphoria and flight.

Euphoria is a feeling of elation that gives a sense of real life. Be kind, praise others, and cultivate a good attitude towards the world around you. The first snow, a ray of sunshine, fallen leaves - this and much more will give you incredible joy and pleasure.

Well, if you feel sad, go HERE and watch short films that will definitely cheer you up. Good luck and enjoy your life!

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Discussion: there is 1 comment
  1. Anna:

    Previously, too, constantly nervous and worried. She went on maternity leave, more time appeared. And just like that, she let go. Old age is approaching, life is passing, in general, now I don’t understand why not just enjoy the most ordinary life trifles) Forget about all grievances, make less demands on yourself. Get rid of thoughts about someone else's opinion and most importantly remember that no one owes anything to anyone! Now I’ll add a comment and let’s go with the baby to wallow a movie to watch)

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