How to get rid of bad foot odor

2 July 2016

It's no secret that both women and men have smelly feet. But in a strong representative of humanity, the smell is more pronounced, since a man is genetically prone to profuse sweating.

i(6)Pronounced foot odor has only two main causes. The first is, in fact, the material of the shoe. If boots, shoes or sneakers are made of synthetic materials that do not allow air to pass through, then an unpleasant odor will be provided when worn. The second reason is increased sweating, which creates a suitable environment for the growth of bacteria.

You can get rid of the strong "aroma" of the feet by observing hygiene. For example, you need to wash your feet with a washcloth or brush over the entire surface. The skin between the fingers is especially vulnerable - it must be thoroughly washed with soap. Shoes must be aired and wiped from the inside.

With the help of some tricks, shoes can lose their bad smell, for example, put a bay leaf under the insole. Socks are best worn from cotton. And finally, if you exclude from the diet the consumption of a large amount of garlic, pepper and onion, then this will affect the less “flavor” of the legs.

Foot baths.

Foot baths should be done at least once a week. They perfectly dry the skin, narrow the pores and sweat is much less. Here are some recipes for making foot baths:

  • bath with kombucha - the acidic environment created by it helps to fight bacteria well;
  • bath with vinegar - either a simple mixture of vinegar and water (1 cup per 3 liters) is used, or it is the same with the addition of thyme or fir oils;
  • tea bath - boil 2 bags or 1 tablespoon of dry black tea with 1 liter of water;
  • bath with salt - 2 cups of salt per 5 liters of hot water. It can not be used in the presence of wounds and ulcers on the skin;
  • bath with ice and lemon juice.

But first of all, you need to find out the cause of the unpleasant smell of the feet and increased sweating. If this is the result of a disease, the disease that causes these symptoms must be dealt with. Properly prescribed treatment can completely rid you of foot odor.

Tips from Elena Malysheva look in this video.

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