- 3 kg zucchini (net weight without innards)
- 1.5 kg tomato
- 1 kg apples
- 1 kg onion
- 0.5 kg sweet pepper
- 200 grams of garlic
- 1 glass of vegetable oil
- 0.5 cup sugar
- 0.5 cup vinegar
- 3 tablespoons topless salt
- 1 heaping tablespoon ground red pepper
- Peel the zucchini, remove the core with seeds, cut into pieces so that they fit into the meat grinder.
- Wash the apples, cut into quarters, cut out the middle.
- Peel the carrots and cut into strips.
- Wash the pepper, remove the seeds and cut into strips.
- Peel the onion and cut into quarters.
- Scald the tomatoes with boiling water and remove the peel, cut into halves.
- All ingredients: zucchini, onions, carrots, apples, tomatoes and peppers, pass into a meat grinder.
- Put everything in a saucepan or in a multicooker bowl (it boils better there), add sugar, salt and vegetable oil. Cook on the stove for 50 minutes, in a slow cooker for 35 minutes on the stewing mode.
- Peel the garlic and put it into the garlic press. Add to pot before turning off.
- After cooking adjika, add ground red pepper and vinegar and mix everything thoroughly.
- Sterilize jars and lids.
- Pour the finished adjika into jars, roll up, turn upside down and cover with a blanket until it cools completely.
- Remove for storage.
- I got 12 cans of 0.5 liters from this amount.