Learning animals with kids

29 July 2016

Up to a year. Closer to the first birthday, you can start showing the baby the animals in the pictures in the books, then ask: “Where is the bunny?”. Mistakes in answers at this age are not terrible. For the correct answers, he must be praised, and if he makes a mistake, explain and talk about the beast again.

 1-2 years. It's time for the kid to start explaining how different animals talk. When reading fairy tales together, you can ask the child to voice the characters. There are other ways of development: 1) requests to take one animal figurine out of four; 2) the same, only with two cards.

Instead of animals, there may be other figures, for example, you can put a car, a bear, a cat, a flower in front of him. On one of the cards, another image is also allowed. You need to pay attention to the correspondence of the toy to the original: the frog should not be purple; scale: the hedgehog is smaller than the bear.

2-3 years. It’s not bad if parents at this age unobtrusively tell the child about some animals, you don’t need to overload him with information, but just introduce him a little to the animal world.

3-4 years. You do not need to teach the baby new animals at this time, you should continue the previous classes and develop it in other directions.

4-5 years. A child of this age already knows and knows a lot, now it's time to know pets. There are several methods by which he can easily learn new information:

1) View pictures in books. For example, you can leaf through the encyclopedia together and name the represented representatives of the fauna. It’s good if the parent tells something interesting about them, for example: “This is a cow, she loves to eat grass, and then she gives milk. It's funny that grass is green and milk is white, isn't it?"; hqdefault

2) Theatrical performance. You need to buy small figurines of animals and try to show them with the baby, it is strictly necessary to make the appropriate sounds!

5-6 years. Soon the child will go to school, where a mountain of knowledge from different directions will fall on him. In the meantime, he needs to know the main wild animals, a zoo is perfect. You can consolidate what you have learned with the help of books and films about nature.

6-7 years old. The time when it is time to repeat what has been learned has come.child fishing For this, the village will come down. The names of fish and birds should be added to the old knowledge, it's great if the child learns the river inhabitants while fishing.

7-8 years old. Repetition is the mother of learning! At school, teachers will take care of the student in this direction. You need to teach with love and patience, you should not press. Well, if the offspring will regularly read books, watch films about nature, this is more useful than watching cartoons.

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