The history of fashion

10 July 2016


Fashion is something not always clear, and besides, it is also fickle, but on the other hand, people are so used to its changes that they simply cannot do without it now.

If now fashion is an important part of human life, then primitive people did not think about outfits, but simply wore the skins they got on the hunt. Then such clothes served only one purpose - to warm and survive. It is unlikely that then people thought about what kind of skin would look more beautiful.

iIt was the first civilizations that brought into the life of people a style that was supposed to unite people. This is how fashion was born. Clothing was very diverse, but a certain style was important for each nation, so that fashion was not the same for everyone. As a result, any outfit of another city or country seemed unusual and outlandish. In the 8th century in ancient Egypt, a fashion for hairstyles appeared.

In the modern sense, fashion appeared only in the 14th century, and France was its homeland. Here, for the first time, large-scale production of fabrics appeared. They began to produce tailored clothes. Darts, folds were used. The design and modeling of clothing developed. European women preferred interesting headdresses, which were distinguished by their extravagance. Then they looked like cones, to which light fabric was attached. Also, the cones themselves were attached to ordinary tissue on the head, which resembled horns. 1265302587_4

The Renaissance made velvet and silk popular. At this time, Venice has already become a trendsetter. The neckline of the woman was emphasized with a large neckline, a long train was used, an unusual sleeve shape. Chignons also became popular. Faces from all sides were covered with fabrics.

150911162810The Spaniards are characterized by some stiffness, which was noticed all over the world only in the second half of the 16th century. It was this feature that became the main one in the fashion trends of that time. Now women preferred dresses that did not have large cutouts, but were distinguished by collars that were heavily starched. Skirts are now puffy, and for this a large number of linings were used. Perfumes also had a significant role (by the way, this is due to the fact that people did not bathe often, and the “smell” had to be hidden).

2009_10_27_moda2But since the 17th century, the rights of the trendsetter have returned to France again. Now the fashion magazines that were published in Paris began to spread around the world. Fashion trends are changing faster. Now women's dresses began to be sewn with a loose cut, bangs are present in hairstyles. Wigs are still used, but more natural. The decoration is very extravagant.

Fashion came to Russia around the same time, but it cannot be called triumphant. Since by royal decree everything fashionable and new, and even more so, brought from another country, was strictly prohibited.

But after the power passed to Peter I, everything begins to change. Since Peter Alekseevich was a lover of everything German, he literally instills in citizens the fashion trends of Germany.


The emperor issues a decree that states what is allowed and what the people of his country are required to wear. In the same 17th century, the first fashion magazines appeared in London, France and other European countries. In Russia, a fashion magazine began to be published in 1779.

And only in the twenties of the 19th century, finally, the profession of an artist arises, who invents clothes. This happened in England, when the clothing industry there reached an impressive scale, and there was a need for such a specialist. It is 1820 that can be called with full confidence the year of the appearance of fashion, so as not to cause complaints from modern fashion historians.

223774-charlz-i-mari-vortAnd the first fashion designer can be called Charles Frederick Worth, who was born in 1825 in Great Britain. I managed to work there in companies selling fabrics. But he realized that he couldn’t earn big money here, and in 1845 Charles moved to Paris. There, he began working for a company producing and selling ready-to-wear women's clothing, and five years later he founded his own business. The young entrepreneur opened a ready-to-wear store called Maison Gagelin.

The glory of the most talented designer did not come to the Englishman immediately. His star rose to the fashion horizon at the moment when the wife of Napoleon III, Eugenia Montijo, at one of the receptions, noticed an unusual dress on the wife of the Austrian ambassador. The outfit was made of tulle, pink hearts, daisies, sequins and grass.

In 1858, Charles Frederick Worth founded his own women's clothing company. The fashion designer knew that for ladies from high society, a fashionable outfit means more than just clothes. A beautiful dress is a reflection of high status in society and great financial opportunities. In turn, the toilet, made at a high professional level, promised the tailor a lot of orders, and hence a high income, which was very important for Worth.

From that moment on, fashion "gained" all its whims to the fullest: it constantly changed, fascinated and shocked, required imagination and considerable costs. It embraced not only the rich and the idle, but also descended into the lower classes, among the common people. Also, fashion has finally passed from the hands of men to the hands of women. Until that moment, the main efforts were directed to the creation of fashionable clothes for men, women's fashion was kept in the background.

Nowadays, fashion is changing so fast that it is impossible to keep up with it. What was fashionable yesterday is no longer relevant today, and vice versa. However, real fashionistas always try to follow the trends and stay at the top of the fashion Olympus.

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