Scarf history

10 August 2016

The variety of women's accessories is so great that you can talk about it for a very long time. A striking representative is the scarf, which can be found not only in the women's closet, but also in the men's.

The need to use a scarf is felt in winter and autumn, when nature makes you take care of your health. In summer and spring, the demand for it is somewhat smaller, but still there.

Today, scarves are used in different ways - they cover the head and face, wrap the neck or tie at the waist.

4755The history of the scarf takes its beginning more than a thousand years BC. Something similar was used by Nefertiti before him (he was part of her hairstyle), the Chinese used scarves for their intended purpose (protection from the cold) and to indicate military ranks, the Romans wore them around the neck and waist, among the Egyptians he was part of a belly dance costume.

Over time, the scarf has become so famous that now it can be found in any corner of the world. Throughout the existence of this accessory, each historical era brought its own innovations in its use, manufacture and appearance.

In the eleventh century, medieval fashionistas tied scarves over a pointed hat. After the fall of the Roman Empire, many countries adopted its traditions, including tying scarves around the neck.


It was very common in Croatia. In the 17th century, the French adopted it - they determined the status of a person by a scarf.

Lyudovik14King Louis XIV had a special butler who took care of his neck ornaments, and under him for the first time they began to tie a scarf in the form of a butterfly and in the style of "stainkirk". During the reign of Peter I, an ordinary soldier was distinguished from an officer by an officer's scarf around his neck.

After Paul I came to power, officers began to wear a scarf on their belts under their uniforms. A special irony of the fate of "their relationship" is that he was killed with the help of an officer's scarf. Under Peter the Great and before Anna Ioannovna, they began to wear it over the shoulder.

blog_vse delo v sharfe7In the 19th century, the French scarf turns into a muffler (nose hiding place). And at a time when it is very popular there, but in Russia its use was condemned. The Italian actor M. Mastroianni gave a new life to the scarf, and in the union it was customary to wear it only to children and women.

In the 21st century, the scarf has become an integral part of the collections of famous world designers, perfectly complementing their looks and emphasizing their uniqueness.

Today, there are many types of this accessory, which are distinguished depending on the fabric used, knitting, shape, application and tying method.


A scarf is a practical and unique part of any fashionista's wardrobe.

On the same subject
Discussion: there is 1 comment
  1. I love scarves very much, thanks for the story, it was interesting)) In terms of tying it somehow ornately, I’m not special in this - but the standard method, like the last fashionista in the picture, is my favorite. And without problems and always looks relevant))

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