
7 July 2016

A chrono diet is a diet that takes into account the natural biorhythms of the human body. At different times, the body requires different types of food, and its digestion and assimilation occurs in different ways. If you take into account these features of the body and adapt to them, obesity does not threaten you. And the extra weight will gradually go away on its own.

In the morning, the body copes with the products you use much faster and more efficiently. You can eat almost everything, except for marmalade, sugar, honey and other sweets.

At lunch, the body needs building material to create muscles, tissues and generate cells. This material is protein. The best foods are boiled fish, poultry and lamb. The portion that suits you can be calculated by adding one hundred units to the numerical growth value. For example, with a height of 180 centimeters, a serving will be 280 grams. You can include potatoes, noodles, rice, beans and peas in your daily diet. Sweets should be completely eliminated.

An afternoon snack might be 1/3 of a chocolate bar or a bowl of fruit salad topped with nuts.

In the evening, the chrono diet involves the rejection of any red meat. Chicken fillet or fish are recommended for use. The required portion can be calculated by subtracting forty units from the numerical value of your height. For a side dish, you should cook a salad of vegetables or stewed vegetables. Since the body works in slow motion at this time of day, try to have dinner as early as possible. The time gap between food and sleep should be at least four hours.

Alarm clock and breakfast

Alarm clock and breakfast

On the same subject
Discussion: there is 1 comment
  1. I don’t particularly welcome diets, especially mono-diets, but I liked the option of eating in accordance with human biorhythms. Indeed, at different times of the day, the body works differently. And we load it with the digestion of large volumes of food when it is not ready for this. So close to obesity. But sleep must be complete!

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