Secrets of female beauty

5 September 2014

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So, what are the secrets of women's beauty? Whether you like it or not, you will have to admit: it is easy and without difficulty, with outside help, it will not work to remain young and attractive. Only by her own efforts will a woman be able to earn this award - a reflection of youth even in old age. Yes! Only in this way! Work yourself.

clothes-dlya-bega_1How you don’t want to get up at 6 or even at 5 in the morning in winter to go for a run! Because I want to sleep, not run, the wind howls, it's dark and scary. And you remember Munchausen: he pulled himself out of the swamp by the hair. Here it is: pull yourself out of bed by the hair - and go for a run 4 times a week at least. In extreme cases, you can even run on the balcony, curtaining it so as not to frighten passers-by.

Next: exercise for at least 40 minutes, and every day (it doesn’t work in the morning, then in the evening), and be sure to exercise for the abdomen. After 5 months of daily exercise, the press will be like a gymnast. Swimming pool, if available in your area, 3 times a week. Walking - no transport! - 5 to 10 km every day. We assure you that at 55 you will look like a 40-year-old. And already you will tell the young what are the secrets of the beauty of women. Health at 55 will definitely be called "iron" - provided that you consume calories slightly less than normal. words about food. Our beauty depends on the amount of food. Be sure to undereat - the amount of food, like a glass (250 grams): this amount can be eaten every 2 hours. Then the stomach will not stretch, and the figure will remain slim, without a bulging belly. Eat the simplest food, what is called peasant food, you don’t need any frills - a woman with this type of food will be Beauty incarnate.

If possible, buy products in the market (homemade), and not in the store. If you watch on TV not only Brazilian TV shows, then you know what store sour cream, butter and so on are made of, what animals whose meat we eat are fed. There is still less rubbish in homemade chicken and milk.

You ask: having learned these beauty secrets of women, how else would you know where to get money for the same pool and time to do all of the above?

We answer: with a firm hand to rule yourself and your family ship. When compiling a monthly budget, ruthlessly reduce the cost of constant newfangled acquisitions - there will be money for physical education. Demand from your family to sympathize with you and help around the house: they all need a beautiful and healthy wife and mother.

72-happy1It would be nice to “infect” the whole family with love for physical education. You just need to train yourself and not pay attention to the ridicule of your friends - the latter laughs well. And you will be the last. And you will laugh well at your old and sick girlfriends, just get ready for their envy of you, healthy and young, even in old age.

As life experience shows, physical education, fresh air and simple nutrition are the three pillars on which the beauty of women rests. We hope we managed to convince you that the secrets of women's beauty are in health, obtained by their own labor!

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