Fruit peeling at home

27 March 2017

A healthy and well-groomed face is what women of all times and peoples aspired to. There are many different procedures to maintain beauty and improve the quality of the skin. Among these procedures, there is one very significant one - fruit peeling of the facial skin.

What is a fruit peel? Everything is simple. Facial cleansing with fruit acids - this is fruit peeling. This procedure is designed to make the skin healthy, radiant and youthful. This method of skin care is painless, it does not injure the skin and has a gentle effect. The result of his work will be the normalization of water balance, the restoration of the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands, smooth and delicate skin, a healthy and even complexion.

Fruit acids are compounds of chemical origin found in foods. For facial peeling, the most commonly used acids are:

• Dairy. It is obtained from dairy products. It is also found in tomatoes and blueberries.

• Glycolic. This acid can be obtained from sugar cane, unripe grapes and sugar beets.

• Lemon acid. It is rich in lemons and other citrus fruits, as well as berries and needles.

• Apple. Found in apples and pears.

• Tartaric fruit acid. Its source is grapes and oranges.

Each acid in its own way affects a certain type of skin. Glycolic acid, for example, penetrates best into the deep layer of the skin, it perfectly cleanses and exfoliates. Citric and lactic acids cope well with pigmentation and perfectly brighten the skin. And wine and apple - nourish and saturate the skin with microelements.

Who can use fruit peel?

The entire beautiful half of humanity is aware of the benefits of this method of maintaining beauty. But, unfortunately, not everyone can apply this wonderful method. An exception for the application of this procedure are the owners of too dry and sensitive skin.

As a prophylactic goal, to maintain the skin of the face in excellent condition, peeling can be used from the age of 18, once a week, or once a month, depending on the type and condition of the skin. At the same time, there are a number of skin problems in which fruit peeling is indicated:

• high fat content of the skin;

• acne scars;

• dark spots;

• comedones.

Despite the fact that the procedure is quite gentle on the skin, there are contraindications to its use:

• microtraumas of skin, damages;

• obvious vascular network;

• hot period (active sun);

• allergy to peeling components;

What can be achieved using fruit acids?

With a regular and properly selected composition of peeling, you can notice quite quickly an impressive effect from this method of skin care. The work of the glands of external secretion is normalized, the pores are cleansed and black spots are removed, age spots are lightened, the skin will become more elastic and radiant, scars will disappear over time.

It is worth remembering that after applying this method, the skin of the face must be protected from ultraviolet rays using a special cosmetic product.

Peeling mask recipe:


- 1 tablespoon of cane sugar;

- 1 tablespoon of lemon juice;

- 1/2 ripe banana;

- 200 ml of curdled milk (or fermented baked milk).

Preparation and application:

Beat half a banana with a mixer (you can mash with a fork) and mix with a whisk in a bowl with yogurt so that a homogeneous mass is obtained. Squeeze the lemon juice into a bowl and then add the cane sugar. Mix everything thoroughly. The resulting mixture is rich in lactic, glycolic, citric acids. Apply the mask with a brush in a thin layer on the face and after 5 minutes cleanse the skin.

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