Uplifting films

3 July 2016

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If you feel bad and cats scratch your soul. If a lot of problems fell on your head. If you think that everything is bad for you and there is no way out of this situation. Or you are just sad and there is no one to cheer you up. Or maybe you just want to smile? Watch the best video to lift your mood and morale.

If you like it, please leave a comment. After watching these videos, you will understand that life is beautiful and amazing. You just need to look around. And there will always be a person in this world who is even worse off than you. If you know such a person, give him a helping hand and your problems will fade into the background a little. I have been using this method for a long time. Praise people, compliment them and your mood will rise.

I invite you to plunge into the world of positive ....

A compliment is an expression of approval, admiration for a person. It doesn't matter what topic it is on. It's always nice. The compliment must be honest, otherwise it will be flattery or sycophancy. It gives a person confidence in his abilities, cheers him up.

Smile more often, compliment other people, and life will shine before you in all its glory. Good luck turns to kind, sympathetic and happy people. Get like this!!!! And now another reason to smile))))))))))))

After watching the next video, I laughed until colic.

And another heartfelt video that makes you think about the little things in life….

And one more philosophical question: “If you knew that you had a month left to live, what would you do and how would you live it?”. I bow to Randy, he did what the units could do. He showed how important life is and how to appreciate it, every moment, every second.

Now watch a very philosophical film about the meaning of self-esteem. I recommend viewing to everyone. Haven't seen anything like it in a long time. Film by Luc Besson "Angel - A". I hope that the name does not need advertising. Just watch and draw your own conclusions.

Think about how you have lived up until now. Do you have something to remember?…..

On the same subject
Discussion: 5 comments
  1. I prefer films that somehow affect science, time travel, telling about some inventions. This is really touching. Fortunately, now there are films on these topics by our film studios and directors, which pleases

    • ddv5:

      Now in general, for my taste, films are rarely released good and worthy of attention. Personally, I am annoyed by films where, for the sake of a spectacular frame, they violate the elementary laws of physics. I used to watch only science fiction too, now I prefer philosophical films, where there are no special effects and everything is built on the acting.

  2. On the contrary, gloomy films improve my mood. And if they are meaningful, if the characters think with their heads, and do not be stupid and do not drool, this inspires at all, removes longing as if by hand!

  3. Tanya:

    Yes, a really good movie is always uplifting and inspiring. Thanks to the author for a good and most importantly interesting selection. I hope there will be a selection of children's films soon)

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