The world-famous Hollywood actress Julia Roberts has published a sensational message. In it, she does not ask, she begs all women to take an active position, and stop paying attention only to external beauty, to the detriment of themselves and their nature. Here are her words:
Perfection is the disease of many nations. We cover our faces with tons of makeup. We regularly inject ourselves with Botox and starve ourselves for the “perfect size”. We're trying to fix something that doesn't need it at all. And what we should take care of in the first place, remains without our attention.
Do you know what it is?

This is our soul. A soul that needs careful care and attention. It's time to take care of her. Tell me honestly, how can you expect someone to love you if you don't love yourself? Reshaping your appearance, how can you say that you are satisfied with yourself? No. I want you to be clear: it doesn't matter what you look like on the outside as long as you're completely empty on the inside.
Today I want to tell everyone: I will no longer put up with makeup. I don't want to do makeup because I'm tired of wearing someone else's face. It's time to take off the masks. I know that I have wrinkles, but I want to see them. After all, this is the real me. I want you to accept me for who I am.
The world today is obsessed with appearance. You can't even imagine the momentum of companies that put into your head the idea that you need to invest in delaying the inevitable signs of aging by resorting to unhealthy and unnatural use of anti-aging products.
The beauty principles of the 21st century can clearly be defined as abnormal. This is beauty on steroids that spreads around the world like a virus. It's horrible!
Do you understand that artificial aesthetics rules the world, keeping us locked in the prison of their illusions about appearance? Instead of living and following our nature, we are forced to confess those canons of beauty that are imposed on us.
But you know what?
I'm tired of this. And I tell myself stop. I encourage all of you to stop and remember who you really are, what you really want. Remember who you are.
No one will ever be able to 100% meet the criteria of beauty. Appearance is the last thing to appreciate in a person. All that matters is the soul. Remember this forever.