Achievement of set goals

29 June 2016



Success at first requires ten shares of effort to get one share of the result. Once you have mastered this, you will consistently get ten shares of results for one share of effort.

Charles Givens.

To achieve your goals, do these simple things:

1. Make a plan of action.

It should be clear and step by step. No water. Take a pen and a notebook (notepad), put aside all your affairs and write everything down. The next evening check if you have done everything. If you didn’t manage to do something, move it to the next day and complete it first. Don't accumulate debt. Praise yourself for what you accomplished in a day.

2. Show everyone what you are worth.

When you start your own business, you are full of enthusiasm. But when you enthusiastically start talking about your projects to friends and relatives, they start to twist at the temple and send you to a psychiatrist. Here, play it. Prove to them all that you can succeed. Get angry and get to work hard. Imagine how these people will look at you when you succeed!

847908563. Connect with like-minded people.

This will give you strength. Connect with people who are already successful. Strive for success. Learn from such people. Successful people are usually happy to share their secrets. Attend motivational trainings and seminars. It is very energizing and motivating.

4. Set goals.

To move somewhere, you need to set a goal. If there is no goal, there will be no progress. Achieving your goals can be stretched for a week, a month, a year, etc. So, step by step, it will be easier to move.

5. Find a starting point.

Decide where you are at this moment in life, the starting point. From this point you will start moving forward. This is a very important point. You need to know where and where to go.

6. Tools to achieve the goal.

Sit down and write down which tools you already have to achieve your goal, and which ones are missing. Get the ones you don't have and make the most of the ones you already have in your arsenal.

7. Training.

Learn, learn and learn. A little bit every day. Learn new things, improve. Become successful!

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