Demographic Security

29 June 2016


Serious issues were put on the agenda of the meeting of the regional council for demographic security, which took place at the end of last year. For several hours, a serious conversation was conducted, which concerned the greatest wealth of a person - health.

demographyA detailed analysis was made on all positions, from which, so to speak, a view opens up on problems related to health and morbidity, life and death. Doctors, employees of the District Department of Internal Affairs and the ROChS, officials of the construction organizations of the district took an active part in the discussion of issues.

As it was noted at the meeting, the construction industry gives one of the highest levels of morbidity every year. What is the reason? What measures are being taken to stop this undesirable trend? The deputy chairman of the district council for demographic security I.Yu. Sokolovsky, chief physician of the ME "Shchuchinsky Central District Hospital" S.G. Ambrushkevich and his deputy A.A. Zhamoitin.

i(2)According to the information of physicians who made a control cross-section of the construction organizations of the region, the highest level of morbidity was noted in the 166th MPMC. The respiratory organs are called the “weak link” in the body of builders. Temporary disability also occurred from injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

A rather unexpected trend can be traced: colds most often plagued young builders - aged 20 to 30 years. This category is also characterized by injuries. Physicians are also surprised by the behavior of individual "patients" who visit the polyclinic in order to receive an excuse for their absence from work.

One gets the impression that people are not interested in the work process, and also in being healthy. Sometimes unhealthy builders are provoked by a common addiction. For example, according to S.G. Ambrushkevich, up to 80 percent of injuries were received as a result of alcohol intoxication or after being in such a state.

MPMC-166 recognizes the problem of increased morbidity. As an excuse, difficult weather work is called - they say, we spend a lot of time on the street regardless of the weather, and also a high turnover of staff ... “But the weather is the same for colleagues from the second column,” the chief physician of the Central District Hospital did not agree with such arguments.

0_1470a5_4f30a581_orig“In terms of discipline, you are entering MPMK-167,” I.Yu. Sokolovsky. “If you improve discipline, there will be fewer health problems.” Ivan Yulianovich strongly advised to pay attention to the need to improve the working conditions and labor protection of workers, to prevent injuries at work, to encourage those who lead a healthy lifestyle.

For example, according to him, the MPMK-167 team can serve, where they have been working in this direction for a long time and effectively. Here they actively fight against drunkenness and alcoholism, conduct sanitary and educational work, organized flu vaccinations, provide workers with overalls and other personal protective equipment, and promote a healthy lifestyle.

During the eleven months of last year, 176 people of working age died in the region. No downward trend was noted. This figure was announced at the meeting by the chief physician of the district. 126 dead are rural residents, 50 are city dwellers. 151 men who died untimely ... Diseases of the circulatory system, external causes, neoplasms are “accused” of the mortality of people ...

Among the reasons that provoked such a bad situation, they named a decrease in people's responsibility for their own health, alcoholism, hard work, reduced physical activity ... “And do not relieve yourself of responsibility for the incidence,” I.Yu. Sokolovsky. - Make adjustments to the organization of medical care for the population and the work of medical institutions.

If at the meeting there was talk about the responsibility of each person for their own health, the deputy chief physician of the Central District Hospital S.I. Milyuta expressed the following opinion: “What we pay for is valued. If a patient paid, for example, two salaries for seeking medical help, as is done abroad, then, believe me, he would quickly find time for disease prevention. Svetlana Ignatievna is sure that stimulating a healthy lifestyle is also a good argument for people to pay attention to their health.

After listening to the information of the senior inspector of the State Fire Supervision Inspectorate ROChS V.I. Yakuts about the death of people in fires, I.Yu. Sokolovsky noted that "there is no other way than to reduce mortality due to external causes." It is clear that there is, as they say, a matter of chance, but there are also shortcomings in the work of the fire service. He recommended working more with potentially dangerous categories of citizens - those who made friends with the green serpent. It is no secret that 90 percent of those killed in fires are people who were intoxicated.

The work of police officers, doctors, civil activists should be directed to the prevention of a great social evil - drunkenness, as noted at the meeting of the council. Citizens who allow violations of fire safety, public order, behave badly in families should be registered. Tragedies and deaths of people are behind this “freedom”.

Council members made decisions on all discussed issues and approved the work plan.

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