What to do with a child on a trip

26 July 2016


Summer is the time of holidays and, as a rule, we go on vacation with children by car, by train, by plane… It is difficult for some adults to sit still, let alone children. But you can try to find for them such activities that will captivate them and not harm them.


If there are peers of the child in transport, why not send him to get to know each other? If the children are sociable, they will entertain each other - a great way to socialize. If communication does not work out, do not be upset, there are other activities.

Parents can also talk with their child, this is a good place to find out how the child is doing, what is new and interesting happening in his life outside the home, what he dreams of, what he wants to become, etc.

Coloring pages.

You can choose the classic ones - princesses for girls, and cars for boys. But there is another good option - coloring with numbers. They named it, gave it a coloring page, fixed it, moved on to another one - it didn’t last long and before the ability to count.

Letters, paper, window.

You can write a letter on a piece of paper, and then look out the window and look for it on the signs - a cool way to memorize new information (if you are not on a plane).

Educational applications.


For a short time, you can give a phone with an application that teaches you to play the piano or English, for example. If the child becomes a great pianist, he can tell in an interview that it all started with this trip!


If your child already knows how to read, it's a good idea to choose a book for him according to his age. If there is no such skill yet, an audiobook with headphones will do.

Word building games.

You can also write letters at home (preferably 2 images of each letter), cut them out, and make words out of them on the bus.



A pack of paper and pencils (they are the ones that are less likely to color the seats and those around them) will be great fun for children of all ages.

Travel planning.

If you have not yet decided where to go in a new place, you can plan sightseeing together. This is important for families as not all children will want to visit museums. If there are two parents - great, one can visit a place that is boring for a child, and the other will take a walk with him.

Watching films.

Why not watch an interesting and useful film, for example, about war or animals.


74635450_large_efab3c069e53A good place to teach a child to knit, if he already knows how to do it himself. You just need to take care of this in advance - take a few skeins of thread and knitting needles or hooks.

Finger Theatre.

Playing with dolls that are put on hands is a good pastime that develops the imagination and brings the child closer to the parents.

Book writing.

Of course, it will not be a masterpiece, but in 10 years it will be very fun to re-read. You can also just write down in a diary the emotions of the last few days, about the bus trip.


If the road is long, then you can make a decoration for yourself, your mother or sister, as well as other relatives.

Hiking games.

If the child already knows how to play board games, this is a good reason to start playing them. There are a lot of camping board games for sale now. There are several in one box. Checkers, chess, lotto, dominoes, polymath (scrabble), monopoly, etc.


It's great when the hours spent on a trip were not boring, but useful and interesting. It is important to remember that the child’s lack of desire to do something on a trip is a direct reason to stop it.

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