Eggplants in batter

30 June 2016
Salads, appetizers

Cooking time 40 minutes.


1 eggplant

1 egg

100 grams of breadcrumbs

250 grams of grated cheese

2 tomatoes


100 grams of sunflower oil

salt, pepper to taste


  1. Cut eggplant into slices. If the eggplant is bitter, sprinkle the circles with salt and leave for 10 minutes. Then wash.
  2. Beat the egg and dip the eggplant slices into it.3659-baklazhany-zharenye-v-klyare-5
  3. Roll them in a mixture of breadcrumbs, cheese, salt and pepper.
  4. Fry eggplant slices in a frying pan in oil.13_baklazhany-v-klyare-768x511
  5. Cut the tomatoes into circles.
  6. Put slices of tomato, fresh basil on half of the fried eggplants. Sprinkle them with grated cheese and bake in the oven at 200 degrees until the cheese is melted. Remove and top with remaining eggplant slices.  07dcca
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