orange diet

8 July 2016

When nutritionists talk about a proper and healthy diet, they always emphasize the importance of eating fruits and vegetables. And, indeed, it is these types of products that supply the substances necessary for our body, which it simply cannot produce on its own.

In addition, it has long been found that fruits have a positive effect on weight, especially for ladies. This property is associated with the effect of vitamin C on the human body: if this vitamin is supplied in sufficient quantities, then it is actively used to break down fats and proteins, which simply does not allow excess weight to settle.

Look at the heroes of Brazilian TV shows, or residents of "warm countries" - have you seen a lot of fat people there? Looking at such examples, there is a desire to become so beautiful and graceful herself, throwing off a few hated kilograms that prevent her from getting into her favorite dress. orange-dieta-4

So, how do you need to eat to lose weight from fruits? Depending on the selected variations of products, there are many options for "fruit diets". In this article we will talk about the "orange diet", the essence of which is a shock dose of vitamin C, burning excess fat and strengthening immunity - if finances allow, then it is very good to carry out such a diet in the fall or winter. You will immediately feel a surge of strength, and the dullness of life in such “unfriendly seasons” will immediately recede.

The simplest version of the orange diet is designed for 3 weeks, and allows you to lose from three to seven kilograms for each.

Orange diet: diet.

Nutrition: the first week - every day you need to eat at least one kilogram of oranges, two eggs, drink at least two liters of mineral water or any other liquid without calories; the second week is the same, but chicken eggs are replaced with cereals (any in any quantity, except salted ones). This will allow the body tired of a lack of protein to recuperate, and will positively affect the condition of the stomach. In the third week, in addition to the daily kilogram of oranges, any other fruits and vegetables in reasonable quantities are recommended. 1016_14

In general, you can eat more than a kilogram of oranges a day, the main condition is not to eat in the evening and not to overdo it. Still, remember that oranges, like any other citrus fruits, can cause allergies, which will not benefit the body. Therefore, before starting the orange diet, do not forget to consult a doctor, however, it is advisable to do this before any diet.

In general, the orange diet is very tasty and light, it is ideal for the summer period, when you simply do not want any heavy food. Stay healthy and have fun!

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Discussion: there is 1 comment
  1. Ludmila:

    A very interesting diet. I look forward to using your advice in the near future. For my part, I would like to make a small clarification. In Spain, oranges have been ripening since December. In September or October, you can still say "last year" or imported from other countries, but not as tasty as from Valencia. Therefore, I will try this diet in January-February on fresh fruit.

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