Adaptation of a child in kindergarten: advice to parents

8 September 2016


So the moment came when the baby was old enough to go to kindergarten. This is a difficult test not only for children, but also for parents. After all, it is impossible to predict the child's reaction to an unusual environment, a new regime and a completely unfamiliar environment. In order for the adaptation to be painless, parents need to follow a few rules.

Rule one: don't forget to say goodbye.

iWhen a child crosses the threshold of a preschool for the first time, he sees many new toys around, new children. And it is quite understandable that he forgets about his parents and switches all his attention to toys. Parents are happy with this behavior of the child and quietly leave. And the baby after some time remembers his mother, looks for her, but his mother is not there. He was left alone among strangers in an unusual place. Usually, after such an incident, the child becomes terribly afraid to be alone, even for a minute.

And every visit to the kindergarten turns into an endless tantrum. Therefore, you need to be able to properly part in the morning. The kid should know that he will definitely be taken away. You can say that mom is going for candy or on business and will be back soon. Name a specific time, such as after breakfast or after a walk, and try to never be late. After a few days, the child will understand that mom does not cheat and always comes, as she promised, and it will be easier for him to let go of mom in the morning.

Rule two: do not leave the baby for a long time.

It seems to many parents that if the baby is immediately left in the garden for a long time, then the adaptation period will pass faster. But this will only lead to more stress for the child. The adaptation process should take place in several stages. To begin with, it will be enough for the baby to spend 1-2 hours in the group. And when he gets a little used to the children and caregivers, you can gradually increase the length of stay. The process of adaptation to the garden can take up to 3 weeks.

Rule three: observance of the daily routine.

daily regimeWith the start of attending kindergarten, the child's daily routine changes completely. If earlier the baby could stay up until night, now it is undesirable, because in the morning you need to get up early. Therefore, it is advisable to adjust the daily routine in advance so that getting up early in the morning is not painful. And then in the morning the child will wake up easily and in a good mood. A good start to the day will give a positive attitude to get to know the kindergarten.

Rule four: no rush.

going to kindergartenThere is nothing worse than getting ready for kindergarten in a hurry. Parents begin to rush the baby, who has just woken up. This leads to screaming, tantrums and a spoiled mood for the whole day. Wake up the child in advance so that he has the opportunity to soak in bed for a few more minutes, slowly washing and dressing. Yes, you need to leave the house early. Go slowly, talk on any topic, then the road to the kindergarten will be an exciting walk and a great start to the day.

If parents follow these four basic rules, then adaptation will be easy and almost imperceptible. And the kindergarten for the child will become a second home, to which he will go every morning with pleasure.

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Discussion: 5 comments
  1. Vika:

    I believe that the child must get used to peers. Learn to do without mom and grandmother, even if it is possible to leave the baby at home. After all, the school is getting closer. Little by little, little by little - this is very accurately noticed.

  2. Ludmila:

    As a specialist in the field of preschool education, I can say that all the recommendations that the author gave in her article are relevant and paramount. If the baby is reluctant to attend a preschool, then when communicating with the baby, motivate more for interesting moments that are not at home: holidays, group games, friends. Of course, each child is different.

  3. “When a child crosses the threshold of a preschool for the first time, he sees many new
    toys around, new children ...” I have two. When they crossed the threshold of the kindergarten, and even for the first time, they were still frightened. It is best that before the kindergarten, the child communicates more with peers - on the playground, for example. If he is constantly only with his mother, problems cannot be avoided. But in general, the advice is completely fair and correct.

  4. Antonina:

    I believe that the adaptation of a child to a new environment is a large and long process that needs special attention. Of course, not everything depends on the parents, a lot will come from the educators and the children with whom the child will spend time, but the parents themselves are obliged to influence the primary adaptation in the new environment.

  5. The child must be accustomed to society. Bring him at least in the first half of the day. But the child must communicate with peers. All children are practically not ready to part with their parents at first. But after, try to pick it up from there.

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